b'The Joint Negotiating Committee forA police authority for a combined area constituted in Approved Schools and Remand Homesaccordance with the provisions of section 3 of the in England and WalesPolice Act 1964 A New Town Development The Whitley Council for New TownsCorporation StaffAn institution to which grants in aid of university The National Joint Council for Countyeducation are paid out of moneys provided by Council Roadmen (including constituentParliament Provincial Councils)A local council of social service The National Joint Council for LocalA community relations council Authorities (Manual Workers) (includingA citizens advice bureau constituent Provincial Councils)A local marriage guidance council The National Joint Council forA community association Workshops for the BlindAn old peoples association The Joint Negotiating Committee for Local Authorities Services (Building and Civil Engineering) The Joint Negotiating Committee for Local Authorities Services (Engineering Craftsmen) The National Joint Council for Local Authorities Fire Brigades The Joint Negotiating Committee for Youth Leaders and Community Centre Wardens The Joint Committee for Water Engineers Salaries Local Authorities (Goods and Services) (Public Bodies) Order 1972 (SI 1972/853) National bodies or bodies related to aEducational bodies national body The Association of Metropolitan AuthoritiesThe managers, governors or other body The Association of County Councilsresponsible for the management of: The Association of District Councils The Receiver for the Metropolitan Police(a)a voluntary aided or special agreement Districtschool; A Magistrates Court Committee(b)a special school not maintained by a The Arts Council of Great Britain[local authority]; The Welsh Arts Council(c)a school or other educational A Regional Arts Associationestablishment (including a college of education) in receipt of grant under section 100(1)(b) of the Education Act 84'