b'If the units of work are sold on at 35p each, then we can see that each bar is making a profit of 5p. (If the total cost per unit had been more than 35p then there would have been a case for either raising price, or discontinuing that line).Suggested methodology for developing trading propositions and evaluation 1.22 This chapter assumes that a similar approach described above can be used to explore the potential for trading in any of the councils services.However, to assist that analysis, a useful tool has been developed for authorities to assess whether they have activities that might be suitable for trading. The use of a facilitator is encouraged to help local authorities robustly review the trading options that are identified. The first tool describes the characteristics an internal trading operation as one of six categories: an average internal tradeable service; a successful internal tradeable service with declining demand; successful internal tradeable service with prospects; excellent internal trading service with awarded outside work; public sector entrepreneurial; a full entrepreneurial business. The likelihood of successful trading increases as the business characteristics move toward the criteria in higher categories. Trading opportunities may not comprise an entire service and other non-traditional, but still function-related activities, may provide some interesting and marketable opportunities. For example, translation services can provide a good candidate for trading, as there is significant demand across a range of organisations both public and private even though they are not typically classified as a trading service by local authorities.Similarly, planning and building control services make excellent trading activities and there are a number now in the marketplace providing services to others. 25'