b'expenses incurred in granting a licence to plant trees, shrubs, etc on a highway. The provisions also give power to impose an annual charge for administering such licence. Section 140 enables an authority to recover reasonable costs incurred in the moving, repositioning, storing and disposing of builders skips from the skip owner following action taken in the magistrates court. If the owner cannot be traced the section gives authorities the power to keep the proceeds which result from the disposal of the skip. Section 142 enables highway authorities to grant licences to permit an owner or occupier to plant and maintain trees, shrubs, plants and grass on a highway. The section specifically states that no fine, rent or other sum is payable for the grant of such licence, except a reasonable sum for legal or other expenses in connection with the grant of the licence and an annual charge for administration of the licence. Section 143 is another default power enabling the recovery of the costs incurred in the moving of structures from highways, if such structure is not removed following the service of a notice on a person having control or possession of the structure within the time specified in the notice. Sections 146, 149 and 150 enable local authorities to repair stiles, gates or other similar structures on footpaths and bridleways and restricted byways, and to remove anything unlawfully deposited on a highway which is a danger to highway users and to remove or dispose of any obstruction on a highway and to levy a charge at the highway authoritys discretion. Section 150 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989 gives a power to the Secretary of State to make regulations enabling local authorities to charge for certain functions. The Local Authorities (Recovery of Costs for Public Path Orders) Regulations 1993 (SI 1993/407) is one such set of regulations in the highways context and these allow an authority to levy fees for the making of these orders in the interests of an owner or occupier of land to stop up or divert or create such paths or bridleways. Sections 152 and 153 enable the authority to remove a projection or obstruction from buildings on a street and to make a door, gates or bar not open outwards on to the street and to recover reasonable expenses incurred in default of the owner/occupier taking action. Section 154 enables a local authority to cut or fell trees, hedges or shrubs (including vegetation of any description) which obstruct a highway or endanger highway users. There is a power to recover expenses incurred under this section in default of owners/occupiers of premises taking action. Section 155 enables an authority to remove animals which are straying onto a highway and to deliver them to their owners/keepers premises or to a common pound and to have a discretion as to whether to levy a charge for such expenses incurred. Section 164 deals with abating a nuisance of a fence made of or partly comprising of barbed wire and to recover reasonable expenses in default of action required by an owner/occupier. Section 165 enables an authority to carry out works of repair, protection, removal or enclosure to obviate danger to users of a street from unfenced or inadequately fenced or dangerous land adjoining a street and to recover expenses in default of the work carried out by an owner/occupier. 121'