b'Step 7Establishment of a Business Development Group 1.8 A review of income and charging should not be a one-off task. It is one that requires a more frequent intervention especially if a council-wide approach is to be implemented. A Business Development Group might be a standing team that would have a prime function to oversee the councils approach to: working with other councils and other public bodies to explore synergies, systems and whether there might be opportunities to save money and/or generate income; charging and costing of initiatives; marketing and business development; the development of a consistent approach to working with and supply of services to schools; how the service planning procedure needs to adapt to ensure sources of potential revenue are picked up and brought forward with plans. The remit would also include the management of the pipeline of future income opportunities that may take longer to bring to fruition. Step 8Peer review 1.9 Some local authorities have always been able to secure more income than other similar local authorities. Alternatively, within a group of local authorities there may be anomalies in the respective level of charges. Of course, some of this will relate to policy differences and local priorities but it can also represent opportunities for greater income for some local authorities. A peer group compromising appropriate officers can be used to carry out examination of charging practice in targeted areas. This can be a practical method of carrying out a thorough review without employing external advisers. It might also avoid allegations of a postcode lottery where charges vary significantly between local council areas for similar services (eg green bin collections).15'