b'Average internal tradeableSuggestions on how you would migrate to successful internal servicetradeable service RiskLow risk approach andThe move towards a successful internal tradeable service should drive limited exposure to financialthrough efficiencies and improve value for money. There might be a slightly loss.greater risk of disruption during a period of change. GovernanceLimited memberThere will be a need for greater involvement from a member of the senior involvement and seniormanagement team in order to secure the change that is needed. There will officer involvement.not be any need for significant member involvement during this process. Trading accountsTrading accounts may orGiving greater focus on results and trading success suggest that trading and performancemay not be used. Often theaccounts should be produced and that in addition the full management statementsactivity has simple budgetinformation reporting system needs to be considered (covering productivity, structure.client satisfaction, order book, work in progress, debtor recovery, product development, etc). Delegation andStandard local authorityNo change needed. financialapproaches. regulations Marketing materialsNone.Development of website and marketing material showing full scope of and separateavailable services. websiteCommencement of approaches that help establish separate identity. Identity issuesLocal authority name Commencement of approaches that help establish separate identity, eg departmental name.separate name but still clearly linked to the council.Successful internalSuggestions on how you would migrate to excellent internal tradeable tradeable service withservice with awarded outside work (public sector entrepreneur)prospectsDiagnosisPossible candidate forAt this stage of evolution, the business will have confidence that its services trading.are well tuned to the market in which it operates and it will be receiving enquiries from outside bodies who would be asking if it can undertake work. Normally, the outside work will be from other public bodies and will not be secured in competition but given effectively under the Local Authority (Goods and Services) Act 1970.Key featuresCapacity may already beThe business will be at the crux as to whether it wishes to continue as it is or fully dedicated to deliveringexpand. The risks of expansion will be perceived as including the risk that its existing good quality internalperformance of existing work will decline. If it is to expand it must have work.strategies to reassure itself and others that there is significant benefit to be gained. A good base of internalIt will have established niche markets and gained a reputation for doing customers & possiblythings well but this reputation will be within the bounds of the council and a unique products.more outward focus will need to begin to take shape. Enquiries are received forIts people resource may still be fully linked to employees on full local advice and know-how fromauthority terms and conditions and it should explore the possibility of having other local authorities.sub-contractors who can expand its capacity to take on more work, possibly at lower cost. Raised profile as accoladesThe internal arrangements for recharging costs need to be reassessed and are received.approaches other than the traditional techniques explored for new work. SkillsSkills not focused at doingDevelop more of a trading board management approach and seek to business with others butestablish the range of management skills needed for such a businesslook focused at delivering SLA orat successful local businesses and see how they operate and how they are defined objectives.managed. Identify the missing skills and determine whether additional employees needed or whether existing employees can be retrained to create outward focus. Would need to seek toConsider using sub-contracting to expand capacity. identify entrepreneurial skillsConsider introducing an outside challenge process either using peer review and secure leadership ifor the equivalent of a non-executive director to help develop the business activity were to develop intotowards an outward focus. greater trading. 30'