b'The road user charging scheme is set out in Chapter I of Part III of the Transport Act 2000. So far, one scheme has been approved for the Dartford-Thurrock Crossing which follows on from three previous orders for the same crossing.Chapter II of Part III of the Transport Act 2000 confers powers on local traffic authorities to introduce workplace parking levy licensing schemes, but leaves certain matters to be dealt with in regulations. Schedule 12 to the Transport Act 2000, as amended by the Local Transport Act 2008, requires that revenues from WPL schemes must be used for the achievement of local transport policies. The only local authority so far to have developed detailed proposals for a WPL scheme is Nottingham City Council. The levy is intended to provide a revenue stream for the Councils local contribution to proposed NET tramway extensions and for other projects set out in their local transport plans and policies. It has now been in place one year but so far no other cities have followed suit. The Local Transport Act 2008 also amended the Transport Act 2000 to enable local authorities to introduce road user charging schemes without having to submit their scheme orders for confirmation by the Secretary of State. But the requirement for WPL scheme orders to be confirmed was retained. Decisions about whether to introduce a WPL scheme and details of how it will operate are the responsibility of local authorities in England and Wales. Workplace Parking Levy (England) Regulations 2009 11.6 The Workplace Parking Levy (England) Regulations 2009 (SI 2009/2085) make provision in relation to licensing WPL schemes under Chapter II of Part III of the Transport Act 2000. They make provision about general issues concerning schemes and charges and for the recovery of charges imposed under licensing schemes. In particular they provide for: exemptions from the requirement to have a scheme order confirmed; liability to pay licence charges; the setting of penalty charge rates; notification of penalty charges to the person liable; and the adjudication of appeals. 131'