b'carry out any necessary research such as identifying whether income-generating ideas have precedent, and if so, what lessons need to be taken on board. The legal adviser is needed to ensure that the approaches are consistent with the councils powers, assisting with any necessary reports to members and ensuring that all necessary changes to standing orders and financial regulations are identified and addressed. Ideally, the lawyer will also have commercial skills and expertise to consider how to protect and/or promote the councils intellectual property interests including use of logo, branding and other related issues.The finance adviser has a similar role to the legal adviser in so far as that person ensures all the commercial, financial and accounting issues are considered and addressed. Step 2Service-by-service appraisal, considering discretionary charging, maximising other income, and possibly trading 1.3 For each service there needs to be a thorough background research and a round table discussion of each of the activities being considered. However, the starting point will always be what we do now and why. The review needs to determine whether the calculation and application of increases to existing charges is consistent across services and across the council, and whether the marketing of services is effective and sufficient. In brief, whether income from existing sources is appropriate and whether it needs to be altered and if so whether better marketing should be adopted. The facilitator will help the team develop a long list of possibilities of income-generating ideas. This list will then be reduced by an examination of the practicality of taking the ideas forward. Some will be too difficult to implement, perhaps owing to political objections; some will raise too little income, and some will be administratively cumbersome. Such ideas will need to be disregarded or modified. However, the aim will identify a short list of front runners that might be taken forward where there is a possibility of raising meaningful amounts of additional income. Step 3Examination of the short list of ideas 1.4 This step requires a more detailed examination of the suggested areas and determination of whether a charging proposition can be justified. Who are the competitors? Develop an appraisal of the competition. Is the market big enough and reliable? Assess the scale and scope of the potential customer/service base. 13'