b'Interview withauthor and lawyer Rob HannWhen was this Guide to Local AuthorityCharging and Trading first published?The compendium of local authority charging powerswas collated during an earlier recession in 1996 andthe guide has been updated annually ever since.Why is the Guide needed?Only local government has such complex laws governing charging and trading. It is essential to understand what freedoms, flexibilities, prohibitions and constraints exist.Also, this book can potentially save and make moneyfor hard pressed local authorities.Isnt there a law which lets a local authority do anything anyone can do? i.e. a power of general competence?Yes, but there are limitations on that power, particularlyaround trading and charging. For exampleif there are existing laws governing what fees or charges can bemade for a service, those laws must be followed.So how does this Guide help?I have collected all the charging powers I could findinto one place. This saves everyone time and money researching legislation and is a great startingpoint for income generation.What about trading?The Guide explains the differences between chargingand trading and outlines the role of trading companieswhere local authorities are seeking to act for a commercial purpose. There is also a list of public bodies withwhom local authorities can trade under the1970 Goods and Services Act.A GUIDE TO LOCAL AUTHORITY CHARGING & TRADING POWERSWho should have a copy of this Guide?Anyone in local government across any servicearea would benefit from having this guide close to handto help spark new ideas for generating much neededextra income for public services.Where can I get more copies?To order more copies contact Rob Hann rob@hannbooks.comRRP 25Please email rob@hannbooks.comwww.hannbooks.com'