b'Successful internalSuggestions on how you would migrate to excellent internal tradeable tradeable service withservice with awarded outside work (public sector entrepreneur)prospectsDelegation andStandard local authorityNo change needed (unless a trading company is formed) but consideration financialapproaches.should be given to the need for delegation in respect of human resource regulationsissues and also acceptance of contracts from other parties. Marketing materialsNone.Continued development of website and marketing material showing full and separatescope of available services. website Marketing literature and terms of business. Commencement of approaches that help establish separate identity. Secure ownership of website domains and potentially company name. Identity issuesLocal authority name Separate name but still clearly linked to the council. departmental name.Operate from a distinct site as opposed to within a general council location Establish own phone line and reception.Public sectorSuggestions on how you would migrate to full private sector businessentrepreneurial DiagnosisGood candidate forAt this stage of evolution the business will have confidence that its services trading/trading with otherare well tuned to the market in which it operates. It will have delivered work public sector bodies.to other local authorities and other public bodies and done so successfully. What it will not have done is acted as a commercial enterprise, bidding and securing work in competition. In some respects, it would act like a local authority and have a heavy bureaucratic brake on recruitment and how much risk it can take. Not directly trading withIn order to become a private sector business the management team, private sector or individualsincluding any executive member, will need to have the authority to make and not seeking to win workdecisions. in competition. Key featuresCapacity for undertakingThe business will be recognised as a success but becoming a separate assignments at variouscompany will be perceived as a big issue for many authorities. Competing public sector bodies.for work in the market place means that there is an acceptance of greater risk than the incremental growth that a public sector entrepreneurial business has to accept. The trust of the management team by the local authority will be essential. It is, of course, feasible for a trading company to operate alongside a public sector entrepreneurial business in order to allow a less risky growth phase to develop. Good quality standardsIt will have established regional presence and markets. It will have gained a ensuring that workreputation for doing things well and this reputation will be both within the undertaken is done well.council and with outside customers. Some unique selling points,Its people resource may still be largely employees on full local authority strong public sector ethos,terms and conditions but it will have links with sub-contractors and it will some commercial skills buthave considered the possibility of having a separate resource employed in less than those needed forthe trading company employed on non-local authority terms and conditions, private sector trader.employed on market rates. Good leadership andThe internal arrangements for recharging costs would have been management.reassessed and approaches other than the traditional techniques adopted. The new business will have the freedom to acquire support services from the market where they are cheaper than the council or to require the council to provide the services at market rates. SkillsSkills focused at deliveringContinue to develop trading board management and establish management excellent services withskills needed, ensure full range of entrepreneurial skills. protections installed toAmend recruitment arrangements to ensure that they match the ensure internal services arerequirements of the market. not neglected. Skills developed to ensureConsider having strategic alliances with private sector businesses for there is the ability to cope withbusiness expansion and to have wider private sector skills to hand. increasing outside work Have non-executive directors to help develop the business towards a fully leadership, marketing, selling, private sector approach. financial skill base. 32'