b'AverageSuccessfulSuccessfulExcellentPublic sectorFull entre-preneurial internalinternalinternalinternalentre- business tradeabletradeabletradeabletradingpreneurial serviceservice withservice withservice withbusiness decliningprospects awarded demandoutside work MarketingNoneNoneNoneWebsite/Growing rangeFull range of materials/ materials andsomeof materials/tailored terms of separatemarketingtailored termsbusiness/ website/ websiteinformation.of business/marketing team. website. Identity issuesLocal authorityLocal authorityLocal authorityTrading name.Trading nameTrading name and logo. name name name and logo. departmentaldepartmentaldepartmental name.name.name. Migration from one phase to the nexta further implementation tool 1.24 The tool below shows a possible route that could be used by a local authority to map a way forward, depending on the diagnosis, so that progress is made towards the possibility of achieving greater income. Table 2: Migration from one phase to the nexta chart of suggestionsAverage internal tradeableSuggestions on how you would migrate to successful internal servicetradeable service DiagnosisUnlikely candidate for trading. Key featuresNo unique features orEstablish unique features or selling points, for example, look at the skill base unique selling points.or look at products that are presently offered to see if any could be developed for a targeted audience. Consider entering into an alliance with a smaller niche organisation that has USP that can provide additional skills and expertise.SkillsSkills not focused at doingIdentify the missing skills and determine whether additional employees business with others butneeded or whether existing employees can be retrained to create outward focused at delivering SLA orfocus. defined objectives.Consider appointing transformation champion who can develop procedures for a comprehensive analysis of management and operational approaches that can highlight improvements. Seek to change culture to that of a quasi-trading operation by seeking to change focus to a customer-orientated organisation. FinancialsInternal accountingMoving to private sector small business accounting with monthly trading arrangements targeted atstatements, job costing, improved work in progress approaches needs ensuring costs kept underserious commitment and is very challenging. control and rechargesThe management of internal recharges is a major issuethink about match CIPFA requirements.freezing recharges for a period and then allowing potentially the unit to move towards commercial prices after a while. Consider appointing a private sector accountant and potentially running a parallel set of records on a commercial basis. 29'