b'In England, under section 507A of the 1996 Act, which only applies to children who have not attained the age of 13, every local authority is under a duty to secure that the facilities for primary and further education provided for its area include adequate facilities for the recreation, social and physical training. It is given specific powers to establish, maintain and manage or assist in the establishment etc, of camps, holiday classes, playing fields, play centres and other places (including playgrounds, gymnasiums, swimming baths) at which facilities for recreation and such training as aforesaid are available for any person receiving primary, secondary or further education and may organise games, expeditions and other activities for such persons and may defray or contribute towards the expenses thereof. Section 507B of the 1996 Act required local authorities to provide sufficient educational and recreational leisure-time activities which are for the improvement of their well-being and sufficient facilities for such activities. Qualifying young persons are between the ages of 13 and 19 (inclusive) or up to the age of 24 if they have learning difficulties. The duty includes the power to charge for anything provided to a qualifying young person under this section. Authorities are expressly empowered to make arrangements for the provision of such facilities with regard to the expediency of cooperating with any voluntary societies or bodies whose objects include providing such facilities or activities. Sections 508A to 508H and 509A to 509AC of the 1996 Act allow an authority to make arrangements for the provision of transport or otherwise as it considers necessary for the attendance of pupils at schools or any other institutions which provide higher or further education and to provide such transport free of charge. The authority is also given discretion to pay the whole or any part of any reasonable travelling expenses of any pupil in attendance at any school or institution for whose transport arrangements are made under the section. Additional requirements include provisions in relation to sustainable travel (section 508A). Section 508D requires the Secretary of State to publish guidance on this area and this can be found at: https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/445407/Home_to_School_Travel_and_Transport_Guidance.pdf Sections 510 and 511 of the 1996 Act allows an authority to provide clothing to pupils when needed. Parents can be required to pay to the authority such sums in respect of such clothing provided as, in the opinion of the authority, they are able to pay without financial hardship not exceeding the cost to the authority of such provision. The authority also has power to require a parent to pay such sums or any less sums or to let the parents pay zero sums.Sections 512, 512ZA, 512ZB, 512ZC and 512A of the 1996 Act contain powers for local authorities to provide school meals, milk and other refreshments to registered pupils at any school maintained by it and may do so either on the premises or at any other place other than school premises and shall provide such facilities as the authority considers appropriate for the consumption of any meals or other refreshments brought to the school by such pupils. Subject to the Act, an authority may make a charge for anything provided so long as that cost does not exceed the cost to the Authority and must charge every pupil the same price for the same quantity of the same item. Pupils with parents who are in receipt of income support are entitled to free school meals. There are provisions for Wales regarding the protection of the identity of pupils receiving free school lunches or milk. 110'