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Are You Fit to Deal with Unfitness?
Mar 21, 2025
Property Nuts and Bolts – Part 3 – Possession claims
Mar 10, 2025
Property Law Nuts & Bolts: Session 2 - Part 36
Mar 10, 2025
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Adult Social Care
The LLG Grapevine 19th July
Deborah Evans, Dennis Hall and Helen McGrath discuss the Lord Chief Justice's comments on Serious Court Failings, the Environment Bill and climate change, the future of the planning system, the Public Accounts Committee Test and Trace 2 Inquiry, council's financial black holes, the Supreme Courts position not to interfere with political choices, the Health & Social Care Bill and the CSPL Annual…
The LLG Grapevine 28th June
This week Deborah Evans, Dennis Hall and Helen McGrath discuss S.W. v United Kingdom: European Court of Human Rights, Dobson v North Cumbria Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust, Place and Wellbeing in Local Government, The Commercial edge: Renewing the case for the Local Investment, Schools and Education, Social Care Finance, MHCLG Questions last week, and the Electoral Integrity Bill.
The LLG Grapevine 1st June 2021
Helen McGrath and Dennis Hall of LLG discuss Lord Woolf's comments on Judicial Review, the Public Accounts Committees' Report on the Government's Education Catch Up Programme, the Environment Bill, Health and Social Care, Voter ID, Failure to Provide Adequate Reasons in Planning Permission, Stakeholder Response to the Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities Report, Social Housing Reform and…
Testamentary Capacity: Time for a change?
Falk J has recently handed down her decision in Clitheroe v Bond [2021] EWHC 1102 (Ch), which raises fundamental questions regarding testamentary capacity, and in particular whether the Banks v Goodfellow test should be replaced by the test in the Mental Capacity Act 2005, as well as clarifying the test for insane delusions and the role of fixed false beliefs. In this webinar, Sir James Munby,…
Dealing with mental health problems/capacity issues in ASB cases
In the second webinar of Cornerstone Barristers' Housing Week series, Kuljit Bhogal chairs a discussion on the different roles of each court and how they can be co-ordinated to secure expeditious outcomes in circumstances where the County Court sometimes defers to the CoP, whilst the CoP may want to defer to the County Court.
Disclosure: An absolute duty or not?
To conclude the Family Law webinar series, Gemma Taylor KC and Ann Osborne explore the duties of Local Authorities to notify parents and foreign authorities of proceedings, to disclose papers within proceedings to parents, how/when those duties can be discharged/limited and the procedure for applying to restrict/discharge a Local Authority’s duty to notify or provide disclosure.
The use of the Inherent Jurisdiction and DoL Orders for children and young people
Arianna Kelly of 39 Essex Chambers joins Bevan Brittan to give a summary of recent cases about authorising deprivation of liberty for children and young people in the inherent jurisdiction and also looks at the difficulties in orders for residence/placement where it is an unregistered children’s home.
Local Authority Insight Series - Local Authority Duties in Intercountry Adoption
ON-DEMAND WEBINAR: Ruth Cabeza, barrister and author of the text, International Adoption, from Harcourt Chambers and Joy Hopkinson, Principal Social Care Lawyer from London Borough of Lambeth, discuss the issues for local authorities dealing with overseas placements both in a private and public law context.
The LLG Grapevine 28th June
This week Deborah Evans, Dennis Hall and Helen McGrath discuss S.W. v United Kingdom: European Court of Human Rights, Dobson v North Cumbria Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust, Place and Wellbeing in Local Government, The Commercial edge: Renewing the case for the Local Investment, Schools and Education, Social Care Finance, MHCLG Questions last week, and the Electoral Integrity Bill.
Community Safety
Civil Penalty Notices
Vilma Vodanovic and Alice Richardson examine Civil Penalty Notices. These are part of the range of enforcement measures available to Local Authorities against private residential landlords. The session explores appeals for such Notices in the First-Tier Tribunal Property Chamber, including an explanation of the process and useful tips.
Education Law
The LLG Grapevine 28th June
This week Deborah Evans, Dennis Hall and Helen McGrath discuss S.W. v United Kingdom: European Court of Human Rights, Dobson v North Cumbria Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust, Place and Wellbeing in Local Government, The Commercial edge: Renewing the case for the Local Investment, Schools and Education, Social Care Finance, MHCLG Questions last week, and the Electoral Integrity Bill.
The LLG Grapevine 7th September
Deborah Evans, Dennis Hall and Helen McGrath look back over the summer and discuss reforms of the planning, the EU-UK future relationship, guidance for schools, algorithims and children falling behind, whether public services were fit to respond to the pandemic, devolution, equality and the solicitors disciplinary tribunal, and the National Institute for Health Protection.
Wiping the slate clean - tips and tactics on how best to achieve settlement in the ET
In this webinar Nick Singer and Karolina Zielinska consider how to get the most out of negotiation and judicial mediation for your clients. Given the ever-increasing cost and stress associated with Tribunal proceedings, settlement firmly remains an attractive option when considering how best to resolve a claim for claimants and respondents alike.
The LLG Grapevine 1st June 2021
Helen McGrath and Dennis Hall of LLG discuss Lord Woolf's comments on Judicial Review, the Public Accounts Committees' Report on the Government's Education Catch Up Programme, the Environment Bill, Health and Social Care, Voter ID, Failure to Provide Adequate Reasons in Planning Permission, Stakeholder Response to the Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities Report, Social Housing Reform and…
COVID-19: redundancy & business planning
The government's job retention scheme currently covers more than 3 million employees which shows the scale of the challenge that businesses will face when the scheme has ended. Rebecca Mahon, Mark Alaszewski and Adam McGlynn outline best practice for businesses that may have to trigger the redundancy process.
Environment Act and Biodiversity Net Gain
In this webinar Susan Sutherland and Cathryn Tracey provide an overview of the Parts of the Environment Act 2021, focussing on the provisions which impact the planning and compulsory purchase regime, particularly Biodiversity Net Gain and conservation covenants, and provide tips for issues to think about for projects which are being consented this year during the piecemeal introduction of all the…
The LLG Grapevine 19th July
Deborah Evans, Dennis Hall and Helen McGrath discuss the Lord Chief Justice's comments on Serious Court Failings, the Environment Bill and climate change, the future of the planning system, the Public Accounts Committee Test and Trace 2 Inquiry, council's financial black holes, the Supreme Courts position not to interfere with political choices, the Health & Social Care Bill and the CSPL Annual…
The LLG Grapevine 1st June 2021
Helen McGrath and Dennis Hall of LLG discuss Lord Woolf's comments on Judicial Review, the Public Accounts Committees' Report on the Government's Education Catch Up Programme, the Environment Bill, Health and Social Care, Voter ID, Failure to Provide Adequate Reasons in Planning Permission, Stakeholder Response to the Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities Report, Social Housing Reform and…
Developing Greenfield Sites Outside Settlement Boundaries
Jonathan Clay, Dr. Ashley Bowes and Rowan Clapp explore the issues that may be faced when developing greenfield sites outside of settlement boundaries, including: housing land supply, tilted balance, access issues, commons and village greens, development within the Green Belt and landscape/heritage issues.
Avoiding local government failure – the changes needed by the sector to safeguard against failure
In the final episode in our three-part series looking into local government governance, Partners Amardeep Gill and Scott Dorling conclude their conversation with Professor Catherine Staite, Professor of Public Management at the University of Birmingham, by discussing the changes that need to happen in order to better protect the sector from future failures.
Avoiding local government governance failure – the lessons that can be learnt by others from current failures in the sector
In our new Governance Podcast series, Partners Amardeep Gill and Scott Dorling will be speaking to Professor Catherine Staite, Professor of Public Management at the University of Birmingham, where they will be examining what good governance looks like for local authorities and the lessons that can be learnt.
Local Authority Insight Series: Local Authority Companies – How to Make Them Work
In this webinar, three highly experienced public commercial lawyers explore the background and future of local authority-owned companies, examining the pressures and complications they face, the factors behind their creation and look at how councils can best manage their external companies to avoid the pitfalls that have led some to fail.
The LLG Grapevine 19th July
Deborah Evans, Dennis Hall and Helen McGrath discuss the Lord Chief Justice's comments on Serious Court Failings, the Environment Bill and climate change, the future of the planning system, the Public Accounts Committee Test and Trace 2 Inquiry, council's financial black holes, the Supreme Courts position not to interfere with political choices, the Health & Social Care Bill and the CSPL Annual…
The LLG Grapevine 28th June
This week Deborah Evans, Dennis Hall and Helen McGrath discuss S.W. v United Kingdom: European Court of Human Rights, Dobson v North Cumbria Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust, Place and Wellbeing in Local Government, The Commercial edge: Renewing the case for the Local Investment, Schools and Education, Social Care Finance, MHCLG Questions last week, and the Electoral Integrity Bill.
The LLG Grapevine 18th January
Deborah Evans, Dennis Hall and Helen McGrath from LLG welcome Peter Stanyon, CEO of the Association of Electoral Administrators, to discuss the upcoming elections, the position at present, the volume of elections, postal voting and the practical challenges of holding covid-19 secure elections and counts.
The LLG Grapevine 9th November
This week sees a special feature with guest contributor Derek Bedlow from the Local Government Lawyer to discuss the 'Life After Lock-down Survey' and what this means for the future of lawyers in the profession. We also discuss Brexit, Public Appointments & Transparency and the Location of Power between Central and Local Government.
The LLG Grapevine 7th September
Deborah Evans, Dennis Hall and Helen McGrath look back over the summer and discuss reforms of the planning, the EU-UK future relationship, guidance for schools, algorithims and children falling behind, whether public services were fit to respond to the pandemic, devolution, equality and the solicitors disciplinary tribunal, and the National Institute for Health Protection.
The LLG Grapevine 8th June
Deborah Evans (CEO), Dennis Hall (Bulletin Editor) and Helen McGrath (Head of Public Affairs) from LLG discuss the Seven Principles of Public Life, new school regulations, judicial review, remote meeting case studies, child vaccination disputes, the Commons Briefing on the role of the governments law officers, local lockdown powers and Brexit - remember that?!
COVID-19 Weekly Brief: virtual meeting software
Tanya Corsie explores the various options for virtual meetings, covering online live streaming of meetings, the do's and don'ts of recording meetings, the need for moderators in large meetings, the role of good governance and policies, and what to do if your Councillors just don't have the technology.
Running remote parish council meetings
Many parish councils will be grappling with remote meeting technology for the first time in their response to lockdown and emergency decision making. Hosted by Deborah Evans, John Austin and Jane Moore consider how parish councils can best conduct virtual meetings and decision making during the COVID-19 crisis.
Virtual Meetings and Postponement of Elections Regulations: Guidance, Implications and Insight
This free on-demand webinar features a discussion between LLG’s Chief Executive, Deborah Evans and Mark Heath, Consultant at VWV and Returning Officer at Southampton City Council, who will examine the regulations on virtual meetings, the guidance recently produced by LLG and ADSO, and the implications of the regulations including in relation to standing orders, immediate effect and five days'…
Healthcare Law
The LLG Grapevine 28th June
This week Deborah Evans, Dennis Hall and Helen McGrath discuss S.W. v United Kingdom: European Court of Human Rights, Dobson v North Cumbria Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust, Place and Wellbeing in Local Government, The Commercial edge: Renewing the case for the Local Investment, Schools and Education, Social Care Finance, MHCLG Questions last week, and the Electoral Integrity Bill.
The LLG Grapevine 1st June 2021
Helen McGrath and Dennis Hall of LLG discuss Lord Woolf's comments on Judicial Review, the Public Accounts Committees' Report on the Government's Education Catch Up Programme, the Environment Bill, Health and Social Care, Voter ID, Failure to Provide Adequate Reasons in Planning Permission, Stakeholder Response to the Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities Report, Social Housing Reform and…
Housing Law
Foiling the fraudsters - how to detect and collect evidence of tenancy fraud
In this webinar, Angela Piears and Karolina Zielinska consider what to do if you suspect that a tenant has made fraudulent representations about who they are or where they are living, and offer their tips and tricks on preventative measures that can be used to prevent or discourage tenancy fraud from the outset of the landlord-tenant relationship.
Unlawful sub-letting: the "Only or Principal Home" test
Stefan Liberadzki and Andrew Carter introduce our Social Housing Webinar series by discussing the keystone of any unlawful sub-letting case: whether the tenant is no longer using the property as their only or principal home. They review the established case law, explore how the case law is applied in practice, and discuss how best to present the evidence in Court.
Relief from sanctions
Desmond Kilcoyne unpacks the relief from sanctions principles, considering the Denton test, applications for an extension of time, applications in respect of failure to comply with orders or otherwise which are outside the scope of Denton, alongside a look at practical guidance on preparing to apply for relief from sanctions.
The LLG Grapevine 1st June 2021
Helen McGrath and Dennis Hall of LLG discuss Lord Woolf's comments on Judicial Review, the Public Accounts Committees' Report on the Government's Education Catch Up Programme, the Environment Bill, Health and Social Care, Voter ID, Failure to Provide Adequate Reasons in Planning Permission, Stakeholder Response to the Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities Report, Social Housing Reform and…
Dealing with mental health problems/capacity issues in ASB cases
In the second webinar of Cornerstone Barristers' Housing Week series, Kuljit Bhogal chairs a discussion on the different roles of each court and how they can be co-ordinated to secure expeditious outcomes in circumstances where the County Court sometimes defers to the CoP, whilst the CoP may want to defer to the County Court.
Homelessness and COVID-19
Catherine Rowlands, Andy Lane and Tara O'Leary consider the impact of the pandemic on homelessness with a focus on the rough sleeper initiative, the issues of priority need, intentionality and homelessness/threatened with homelessness, and the issues faced by front-line officers investigating cases and securing information.
Civil Penalty Notices
Vilma Vodanovic and Alice Richardson examine Civil Penalty Notices. These are part of the range of enforcement measures available to Local Authorities against private residential landlords. The session explores appeals for such Notices in the First-Tier Tribunal Property Chamber, including an explanation of the process and useful tips.
Financial penalties under the Housing Act 2004: an overview of law, practice and procedure
In this webinar, Dean Underwood discusses a landmark ruling in which the Upper Tribunal clarified the proper approach - and respect due - to local authority enforcement policies and decisions when the First-tier Tribunal hears an appeal against a financial penalty imposed under section 249A of the Housing Ac 2004 (the 2004 Act).
Information Law
Litigation and Enforcement
Part 36: Recent cases and what they can teach us
Gordon Exall looks at recent cases in relation to Part 36, including decisions relating to the construction and validity of Part 36 offers, issues in relation to whether and when offers are effective, and finally looking at the cases that deal with the consequences of a party failing to beat a Part 36 offer.
Relief from sanctions
Desmond Kilcoyne unpacks the relief from sanctions principles, considering the Denton test, applications for an extension of time, applications in respect of failure to comply with orders or otherwise which are outside the scope of Denton, alongside a look at practical guidance on preparing to apply for relief from sanctions.
The LLG Grapevine 19th July
Deborah Evans, Dennis Hall and Helen McGrath discuss the Lord Chief Justice's comments on Serious Court Failings, the Environment Bill and climate change, the future of the planning system, the Public Accounts Committee Test and Trace 2 Inquiry, council's financial black holes, the Supreme Courts position not to interfere with political choices, the Health & Social Care Bill and the CSPL Annual…
The LLG Grapevine 1st June 2021
Helen McGrath and Dennis Hall of LLG discuss Lord Woolf's comments on Judicial Review, the Public Accounts Committees' Report on the Government's Education Catch Up Programme, the Environment Bill, Health and Social Care, Voter ID, Failure to Provide Adequate Reasons in Planning Permission, Stakeholder Response to the Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities Report, Social Housing Reform and…
Testamentary Capacity: Time for a change?
Falk J has recently handed down her decision in Clitheroe v Bond [2021] EWHC 1102 (Ch), which raises fundamental questions regarding testamentary capacity, and in particular whether the Banks v Goodfellow test should be replaced by the test in the Mental Capacity Act 2005, as well as clarifying the test for insane delusions and the role of fixed false beliefs. In this webinar, Sir James Munby,…
The LLG Grapevine 3rd November
Deborah Evans, Dennis Hall and Helen McGrath discuss the Planning White Paper, the CQC's Report on Restraint, Segregation and Seclusion, Commercial Property Investment, the Review of Judicial Review, the Longer Term Plans for the Virtual Meeting Provisions, Technology and the Law, The Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities and Citizens Assemblies.
Environment Act and Biodiversity Net Gain
In this webinar Susan Sutherland and Cathryn Tracey provide an overview of the Parts of the Environment Act 2021, focussing on the provisions which impact the planning and compulsory purchase regime, particularly Biodiversity Net Gain and conservation covenants, and provide tips for issues to think about for projects which are being consented this year during the piecemeal introduction of all the…
The LLG Grapevine 19th July
Deborah Evans, Dennis Hall and Helen McGrath discuss the Lord Chief Justice's comments on Serious Court Failings, the Environment Bill and climate change, the future of the planning system, the Public Accounts Committee Test and Trace 2 Inquiry, council's financial black holes, the Supreme Courts position not to interfere with political choices, the Health & Social Care Bill and the CSPL Annual…
Planning for schools: academy and free school planning appeals
What are the tactics for defending school planning appeals where a free school or academy is promoted by the Secretary of State for Education and planning permission is refused (or an application is undetermined) by the local planning authority? Lisa Busch QC, Harriet Townsend, Ryan Kohli and Rowan Clapp discuss.
The LLG Grapevine 1st June 2021
Helen McGrath and Dennis Hall of LLG discuss Lord Woolf's comments on Judicial Review, the Public Accounts Committees' Report on the Government's Education Catch Up Programme, the Environment Bill, Health and Social Care, Voter ID, Failure to Provide Adequate Reasons in Planning Permission, Stakeholder Response to the Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities Report, Social Housing Reform and…
Developing Greenfield Sites Outside Settlement Boundaries
Jonathan Clay, Dr. Ashley Bowes and Rowan Clapp explore the issues that may be faced when developing greenfield sites outside of settlement boundaries, including: housing land supply, tilted balance, access issues, commons and village greens, development within the Green Belt and landscape/heritage issues.
Getting to grips with infrastructure projects as a local authority
Michael Bedford QC and Ruchi Parekh consider lessons learnt from recent DCO Examinations, including their experiences from the Norwich Northern Distributor Road, the Lake Lothing Third Crossing, the Great Yarmouth Third River Crossing, the East Anglia One North and East Anglia Two offshore windfarms, and the Sizewell C nuclear power station Examinations.
Varying planning permissions
Landmark Chambers and Herbert Smith Freehills host a webinar to discuss the current state of the law on varying planning permissions, the impact of recent case law including Lambeth and Finney, explain the practical implications for developers, landlords, tenants and funders, and propose some possible ideas for reform.
The LLG Grapevine 3rd November
Deborah Evans, Dennis Hall and Helen McGrath discuss the Planning White Paper, the CQC's Report on Restraint, Segregation and Seclusion, Commercial Property Investment, the Review of Judicial Review, the Longer Term Plans for the Virtual Meeting Provisions, Technology and the Law, The Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities and Citizens Assemblies.
The LLG Grapevine 7th September
Deborah Evans, Dennis Hall and Helen McGrath look back over the summer and discuss reforms of the planning, the EU-UK future relationship, guidance for schools, algorithims and children falling behind, whether public services were fit to respond to the pandemic, devolution, equality and the solicitors disciplinary tribunal, and the National Institute for Health Protection.
Planning for the recovery - episode 2
In the second instalment of a four-part webinar series, Christopher Young QC, Leanne Buckley-Thomson, Thea Osmund-Smith, Jack Smyth and James Corbet Burcher look at 12 questions including how will LPAs make robust assessments of supply in the absence of data, how to determine a planning application in the absence of a site visit and more.
No5 Barristers' Chambers Planning Podcast - Episode 3 - Covid-consequences: Little Ships
This week the Planning Team at No5 Barristers' Chambers look at recession, small builders, small housing sites, policy changes post the 2008 liquidity crisis and the 2010-12 series of dips in growth; affordable housing and levers to spur economic activity, shore up housing numbers and meet delivery tests.
Procurement and Contracts
Unpicking the Procurement Act Episode 3: Contract Modification
In this episode, 39 Essex Chambers barrister Katherine Barnes is joined by Jonathan Davey, Partner at Addleshaw Goddard specialising in procurement and commercial law, to discuss the rules for the modification of contracts under the Procurement Act 2023, the extent to which these represent a substantive change in practice and possible difficulties arising.
Unpicking the Procurement Act Episode 2: Exclusion and Debarment
39 Essex Chambers barrister Katherine Barnes and Parishil Patel KC is joined by Lucy James, partner and National Head of Commercial Litigation at Trowers & Hamlins, to discuss the grounds on which suppliers can be excluded under the Procurement Act 2023, the new debarment list and the implications of these for procurement practice and litigation.
Unpicking the Procurement Act Episode 1: Overview and New Procedures
In the first episode of this series, Katherine Barnes and Rose Grogan of 39 Essex Chambers introduce the Procurement Act 2023 and its new procurement procedures. Over multiple episodes, Katherine Barnes, public, procurement and planning barrister at 39 Essex Chambers, will discuss the key changes to public procurement under the Procurement Act 2023 with various expert speakers. The podcast takes…
Local Authority Insight Series: Local Authority Companies – How to Make Them Work
In this webinar, three highly experienced public commercial lawyers explore the background and future of local authority-owned companies, examining the pressures and complications they face, the factors behind their creation and look at how councils can best manage their external companies to avoid the pitfalls that have led some to fail.
The LLG Grapevine 28th June
This week Deborah Evans, Dennis Hall and Helen McGrath discuss S.W. v United Kingdom: European Court of Human Rights, Dobson v North Cumbria Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust, Place and Wellbeing in Local Government, The Commercial edge: Renewing the case for the Local Investment, Schools and Education, Social Care Finance, MHCLG Questions last week, and the Electoral Integrity Bill.
Projects and Regeneration
Getting to grips with infrastructure projects as a local authority
Michael Bedford QC and Ruchi Parekh consider lessons learnt from recent DCO Examinations, including their experiences from the Norwich Northern Distributor Road, the Lake Lothing Third Crossing, the Great Yarmouth Third River Crossing, the East Anglia One North and East Anglia Two offshore windfarms, and the Sizewell C nuclear power station Examinations.
The LLG Grapevine 3rd November
Deborah Evans, Dennis Hall and Helen McGrath discuss the Planning White Paper, the CQC's Report on Restraint, Segregation and Seclusion, Commercial Property Investment, the Review of Judicial Review, the Longer Term Plans for the Virtual Meeting Provisions, Technology and the Law, The Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities and Citizens Assemblies.
Transport and Highways
Getting to grips with infrastructure projects as a local authority
Michael Bedford QC and Ruchi Parekh consider lessons learnt from recent DCO Examinations, including their experiences from the Norwich Northern Distributor Road, the Lake Lothing Third Crossing, the Great Yarmouth Third River Crossing, the East Anglia One North and East Anglia Two offshore windfarms, and the Sizewell C nuclear power station Examinations.