Webinars on demand

To view any of the webinars below, just click on the title. No payment or additional software is required.

Latest webinars

Are You Fit to Deal with Unfitness?

Mar 21, 2025
Michael Grant and Matthew Timm explore the law relating to "fitness for human habitation" and the court's approach to damages.

Property Nuts and Bolts – Part 3 – Possession claims

Mar 10, 2025
These webinars are designed to introduce key topics that are likely to crop up for property litigators. The talks will provide an overview of the legal and procedural landscape with plenty of time for delegates to ask questions at the end.

See by category

Adult Social Care

Is Omeprazole the new EDS?

Innocent explanations for allegations of inflicted or non-accidental injury: Tina and Kate discuss the dark corners of medicine, science, the unknown unknowns and the wider canvas.

Pathfinder and the Sunflowers

In today’s episode of FortyTwo Talks, Family Law Practitioner, Rachel Chan, is joined by Estella Newbold-Brown, Partner of Amphlett Lissimore to discuss the Private Law 'Pathfinder' and Estella’s new book, Isla and Quinn The Sunflowers.

A-Z Family Law

You asked, we answered! As part of our ongoing podcast series, we are pleased to present the first of our A-Z Family Law podcasts.

What now for deprivations of liberty?

What will the effect of the postponement of the Liberty Protections Safeguards be on local authorities? Local Government Lawyer asked 50 adult social care lawyers for their views on the potential consequences.

Public Law Update

For the fourth installment of 42 Bedford Row's Family Law Webinar Series, Amanda Jepson and Mark Chaloner present a public law update, in which they examine the latest cases and research.

LPS on the shelf – what to do now: video

In light of the announcement on 5 April that a delay in the implementation of the LPS “beyond the life of this Parliament,” Alex Ruck Keene has recorded a presentation on what this means, and trying to think through what can be done now.

Data Protection Essentials

The Hugh James team provide a guide of need-to-know information about the field of Data Protection law.

Capacity and sex – the Supreme Court decision in JB

Vikram Sachdeva QC, Parishil Patel QC, Victoria Butler-Cole QC, Alex Ruck Keene, Ian Brownhill and Nicola Kohn explain the Supreme Court’s decision and discuss its implications for practitioners in the field of mental capacity and best interests.

Dealing with vulnerable tenants

Peggy Etiebet, Sarah Salmon and Zoë Whittington give an overview of the legal issues surrounding vulnerable tenants, including a look at practical issues and the courts, litigation friends, and past cases.

Rapid response to the health and social care changes

On 7 September 2020, the Government announced changes to the funding of health and social care in the form of an increase in national insurance and a cap on individual care costs. In this webinar from 39 Essex Chambers, Fenella Morris QC, Sian Davies and Arianna Kelly respond to the plan.

The LLG Grapevine 19th July

Deborah Evans, Dennis Hall and Helen McGrath discuss the Lord Chief Justice's comments on Serious Court Failings, the Environment Bill and climate change, the future of the planning system, the Public Accounts Committee Test and Trace 2 Inquiry, council's financial black holes, the Supreme Courts position not to interfere with political choices, the Health & Social Care Bill and the CSPL Annual…

The LLG Grapevine 28th June

This week Deborah Evans, Dennis Hall and Helen McGrath discuss S.W. v United Kingdom: European Court of Human Rights, Dobson v North Cumbria Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust, Place and Wellbeing in Local Government, The Commercial edge: Renewing the case for the Local Investment, Schools and Education, Social Care Finance, MHCLG Questions last week, and the Electoral Integrity Bill.

The LLG Grapevine 1st June 2021

Helen McGrath and Dennis Hall of LLG discuss Lord Woolf's comments on Judicial Review, the Public Accounts Committees' Report on the Government's Education Catch Up Programme, the Environment Bill, Health and Social Care, Voter ID, Failure to Provide Adequate Reasons in Planning Permission, Stakeholder Response to the Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities Report, Social Housing Reform and…

Testamentary Capacity: Time for a change?

Falk J has recently handed down her decision in Clitheroe v Bond [2021] EWHC 1102 (Ch), which raises fundamental questions regarding testamentary capacity, and in particular whether the Banks v Goodfellow test should be replaced by the test in the Mental Capacity Act 2005, as well as clarifying the test for insane delusions and the role of fixed false beliefs. In this webinar, Sir James Munby,…

Court of Protection Q&A 4: Property & Affairs

In the final instalment of their fortnightly series, Fay Collinson, Arevik Jackson and Sophie Hurst answer questions submitted live, primarily focussed on Property & Affairs in the Court of Protection.

Court of Protection Q&A Series: 2

Sophie Allan and Aisling Campbell from Kings Chambers' Court of Protection team answer questions submitted live, primarily focussed on health & welfare law.

Proving or disproving disability

Amy Stroud considers some of the issues concerning the operation of section 6 of the Equality Act 2010, particularly around mental impairment, that have arisen in the Employment Appeal Tribunal in recent times.

The LLG Grapevine 16th February

This week Deborah Evans, Dennis Hall and Helen McGrath discuss the Exit Payment Cap Revocation, Working from Home Securely, Elections, Remote Scrutiny Reviews, the LSB Covid Dashboard, the Domestic Abuse Bill, Devolution, CPD Reform and the Cumbria Coalmine.

Court of Protection Q&A Series: 1

In the first in a series of sessions, Sam Karim QC, Arevik Jackson and Sophie Hurst answer questions submitted live, primarily focussed on health & welfare law.

The LLG Grapevine 1st December

Deborah Evans, Dennis Hall and Helen McGrath from LLG, discuss Devolution, All Party Parliamentary Groups. the Environment Bill, the Joint Committee on Human Rights, the Draft Building Safety Bill, the Spending Review and more.

The remote family court

Jaqueline Julyan SC and Maria Scotland discuss the new normal of remote hearings in the family court, including how they have changed since March, hybrid hearings, best practice and more.

Dealing with mental health problems/capacity issues in ASB cases

In the second webinar of Cornerstone Barristers' Housing Week series, Kuljit Bhogal chairs a discussion on the different roles of each court and how they can be co-ordinated to secure expeditious outcomes in circumstances where the County Court sometimes defers to the CoP, whilst the CoP may want to defer to the County Court.

The LLG Grapevine 28th September

Deborah Evans, Dennis Hall and Helen McGrath discuss modern slavery, the CSPL review of institutions, local lock-downs, the adult social care winter plan, climate change, resumption of possession claims, local government earnings and demographics and the law society council seat reduction.

Social Services Q&A session

In this webinar, Kella Bowers and Lucy Harris answer a number of questions on Social Services during the COVID-19 period involving children and adult services, care and mental health.

Health and Social Care Law and COVID-19

David Lock QC, Stephen Knafler QC and Leon Glenister discuss the effects of the coronavirus crisis on adult social care and explore the problems that arise in medical decision making when demand for respiratory services exceeds NHS capacity.

Care Act 2014 Easements in the Coronavirus Act 2020

Section 15 and Schedule 12 of the Coronavirus Act 2020 sets out significant amendments to a local authority's duties under the Care Act 2014. In this free-to-view, on-demand webinar, Cornerstone Barristers discuss the implications of the Coronavirus Act 2020 for local authorities.


Pathfinder and the Sunflowers

In today’s episode of FortyTwo Talks, Family Law Practitioner, Rachel Chan, is joined by Estella Newbold-Brown, Partner of Amphlett Lissimore to discuss the Private Law 'Pathfinder' and Estella’s new book, Isla and Quinn The Sunflowers.

A-Z Family Law

You asked, we answered! As part of our ongoing podcast series, we are pleased to present the first of our A-Z Family Law podcasts.

Disclosure: An absolute duty or not?

To conclude the Family Law webinar series, Gemma Taylor KC and Ann Osborne explore the duties of Local Authorities to notify parents and foreign authorities of proceedings, to disclose papers within proceedings to parents, how/when those duties can be discharged/limited and the procedure for applying to restrict/discharge a Local Authority’s duty to notify or provide disclosure.

Beyond Parental Control. Is anyone to blame?

When proceedings commence because a child is ‘beyond parental control’ to what extent is it necessary or helpful to pursue in addition threshold findings that a child has also suffered significant harm as a consequence of the care they have received?

Can't you make it stop?

To kick start our Private Family Law Series 2024, Eléonore Berthelsen and Krishma Patel discuss barring orders under s.91(14) of the Children Act 1989.

Public Law Update

For the fourth installment of 42 Bedford Row's Family Law Webinar Series, Amanda Jepson and Mark Chaloner present a public law update, in which they examine the latest cases and research.

Interim care orders and newborn babies on Law Pod UK

As part of LawPod UK’s Family Law series, Richard Ager and Clare Ciborowska discuss with Rosalind English the distressing and emotional business of removing newborns from their mothers when it is decided that it is in the infant’s best interests.

The LLG Grapevine 28th June

This week Deborah Evans, Dennis Hall and Helen McGrath discuss S.W. v United Kingdom: European Court of Human Rights, Dobson v North Cumbria Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust, Place and Wellbeing in Local Government, The Commercial edge: Renewing the case for the Local Investment, Schools and Education, Social Care Finance, MHCLG Questions last week, and the Electoral Integrity Bill.

Court of Protection Q&A Series: 3

Sophie Hurst and Richard Borrett from Kings Chambers' Court of Protection team answer questions submitted live, primarily focussed on health & welfare law.

Post COVID-19 child abuse litigation: A new future

Sharing their experiences and learning over the last 18 months, Leah Jones, Sarah Erwin-Jones and James Arrowsmith look beyond the immediate impact of COVID-19 and discuss the future of litigation including child abuse litigation.

Unregulated placements

Olivia Choudhury examines a case involving the use of an unregulated placement by Lancashire County Council and discusses the impact of such placements alongside possible reforms.

Should the Family Court Promote Contact?

Francis Cassidy examines recent family law cases and asks if there is a duty for the Family Courts to promote contact, whether there is a pro-contact culture, and more.

The LLG Grapevine 1st December

Deborah Evans, Dennis Hall and Helen McGrath from LLG, discuss Devolution, All Party Parliamentary Groups. the Environment Bill, the Joint Committee on Human Rights, the Draft Building Safety Bill, the Spending Review and more.

Social Services Q&A session

In this webinar, Kella Bowers and Lucy Harris answer a number of questions on Social Services during the COVID-19 period involving children and adult services, care and mental health.

Public law update: Forced marriage

Patrick Gilmore talks about forced marriage and the recent decision of Re K, which is an important decision from the President of the Family Division.

Public law update: Vaccinations

Focusing on the Court of Appeal's recent decision in Re H (A Child)(Parental Responsibility: Vaccination), Joanna Moody discusses vaccinations within the sphere of public law proceedings.

Community Safety

Civil Penalty Notices

Vilma Vodanovic and Alice Richardson examine Civil Penalty Notices. These are part of the range of enforcement measures available to Local Authorities against private residential landlords. The session explores appeals for such Notices in the First-Tier Tribunal Property Chamber, including an explanation of the process and useful tips.

Education Law

Public Sector Insights – Disability discrimination in education

Trish D’Souza, a Legal Director in the Education sector, and Jo Corbett-Simmons, a Legal Director in our Commercial Litigation team, delivered a session for schools, local authorities and academy trusts on Disability discrimination – how to recognise potential claims.

Mandatory off-site schooling

Jonathan Auburn QC examines the impact of the recent decision in CHF & ORS, R (On the Application Of) v Newick Church of England Primary School & Anor [2021] EWCA Civ 613 on the need for and provision of off-site schooling by schools and local authorities.

The LLG Grapevine 28th June

This week Deborah Evans, Dennis Hall and Helen McGrath discuss S.W. v United Kingdom: European Court of Human Rights, Dobson v North Cumbria Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust, Place and Wellbeing in Local Government, The Commercial edge: Renewing the case for the Local Investment, Schools and Education, Social Care Finance, MHCLG Questions last week, and the Electoral Integrity Bill.

The LLG Grapevine 1st March

This week Deborah Evans, Dennis Hall and Helen McGrath discuss Covid Procurement Transparency, Local Authority Pension Investment, Emergency Legislation during Covid, Working Time and being 'On Call', News from Wales, Schools, Fly-tipping and Dismissal for Not Wearing a Face Mask.

The LLG Grapevine 7th September

Deborah Evans, Dennis Hall and Helen McGrath look back over the summer and discuss reforms of the planning, the EU-UK future relationship, guidance for schools, algorithims and children falling behind, whether public services were fit to respond to the pandemic, devolution, equality and the solicitors disciplinary tribunal, and the National Institute for Health Protection.


Whistleblowing: Detriment and Dismissal Cases

In the second session of 42BR's Autumn/Winter Employment Series, Nick Bidnell-Edwards and Safia Tharoo provide a concise review of whistleblowing law for detriment and dismissal claims, including recent developments, followed by practical tips on how to bring and to defend the claims.

Whistleblowing: Detriment and Dismissal Cases

In the second session of our Autumn/Winter Employment Series, Nick Bidnell-Edwards and Safia Tharoo provide a concise review of whistleblowing law for detriment and dismissal claims, including recent developments, followed by practical tips on how to bring and to defend the claims.

Wiping the slate clean - tips and tactics on how best to achieve settlement in the ET

In this webinar Nick Singer and Karolina Zielinska consider how to get the most out of negotiation and judicial mediation for your clients. Given the ever-increasing cost and stress associated with Tribunal proceedings, settlement firmly remains an attractive option when considering how best to resolve a claim for claimants and respondents alike.

Employment law round up and preview

Join Julie Bann, David Leach and Christian Grierson as they review the key cases for employers from 2023 as well as a look ahead to the new laws coming in during 2024 and how these will impact your workforce.

Current challenges facing employers

Paula Kathrens and Debra Gers discuss the employment law issues that have arisen as a result of the need for Covid-19 secure workplaces, the complexities of the furlough scheme and challenges around new ways of working.

The LLG Grapevine 1st June 2021

Helen McGrath and Dennis Hall of LLG discuss Lord Woolf's comments on Judicial Review, the Public Accounts Committees' Report on the Government's Education Catch Up Programme, the Environment Bill, Health and Social Care, Voter ID, Failure to Provide Adequate Reasons in Planning Permission, Stakeholder Response to the Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities Report, Social Housing Reform and…

Employment law: Terminated! Are you sure?

Jeanette Wheeler, Sonya O’Reilly and Clare Barlow discuss effective notice to terminate employment. Also discussed: the newly confirmed employment status of Uber drivers and public sector exit pay.

The LLG Grapevine 1st March

This week Deborah Evans, Dennis Hall and Helen McGrath discuss Covid Procurement Transparency, Local Authority Pension Investment, Emergency Legislation during Covid, Working Time and being 'On Call', News from Wales, Schools, Fly-tipping and Dismissal for Not Wearing a Face Mask.

Proving or disproving disability

Amy Stroud considers some of the issues concerning the operation of section 6 of the Equality Act 2010, particularly around mental impairment, that have arisen in the Employment Appeal Tribunal in recent times.

The LLG Grapevine 16th February

This week Deborah Evans, Dennis Hall and Helen McGrath discuss the Exit Payment Cap Revocation, Working from Home Securely, Elections, Remote Scrutiny Reviews, the LSB Covid Dashboard, the Domestic Abuse Bill, Devolution, CPD Reform and the Cumbria Coalmine.

Exit pay cap regulations

What do the Exit Pay Cap Regulations do and what challenges might they present? Allison Cook and Mark Heath discuss the regulations.

Collective Consultation: Redundancies

Many employers are contemplating multiple redundancies that trigger collective consultation obligations. Mugni Islam-Choudhury and Anthony Korn provide a comprehensive overview of what employers need to do to ensure they have complied with their obligations in any collective consultation process.

The LLG Grapevine 14th September

Deborah Evans, Dennis Hall and Helen McGrath discuss the EU Withdrawal Agreement, obesity, council audits, The Housing Ombudsman Annual Report, disqualification of non-compliant bids, employment law considerations of working from home, and more.

COVID-19: redundancy & business planning

The government's job retention scheme currently covers more than 3 million employees which shows the scale of the challenge that businesses will face when the scheme has ended. Rebecca Mahon, Mark Alaszewski and Adam McGlynn outline best practice for businesses that may have to trigger the redundancy process.

The three p's of processing ill health retirement

In this webinar, Alice Kinder looks at the impact of two recent decisions of the pensions ombudsman concerning the ill health retirement of individuals in the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS).


The way the wind works

Accompanying their article, 'The Green Steves' of Sharpe Pritchard discuss on-shore wind power in this webinar

Biodiversity Webinar

Sharpe Pritchard's 'Green Steves' discuss developments in relation to biodiversity, including biodiversity net gain in the planning context. They also look at local authority biodiversity projects and how they can be financed.

Energy efficiency webinar

Steve Gummer, Steve Cirell and Jo Dicks consider the delivery of energy efficiency at local authorities.

Environment Act and Biodiversity Net Gain

In this webinar Susan Sutherland and Cathryn Tracey provide an overview of the Parts of the Environment Act 2021, focussing on the provisions which impact the planning and compulsory purchase regime, particularly Biodiversity Net Gain and conservation covenants, and provide tips for issues to think about for projects which are being consented this year during the piecemeal introduction of all the…

Net Zero: what does it mean in practice?

Burges Salmon gives an overview of what 'Net Zero' means and consider recent statutory and policy changes in England and Wales that are likely to have an impact on development projects and decision-making.

Local Authority Insight Series: Making Highways Fit for the Future

Join Ruth Stockley, barrister at Kings Chambers, and Chris Burgess of Norfolk County Council for an in-depth discussion that addresses the legal issues and obstacles involved with adapting highways for a low carbon future and the legal tools available to local authorities.

The LLG Grapevine 15th November

Dennis Hall looks back over the last edition of the bulletin highlighting points of interest, pulling in government policy and national news to give you a quick round-up of topical developments.

Estate Regeneration: Keys to successful outcomes

Scott Dorling, Paul McDermott and Victoria Thornton, joined by guest speakers Barbara Brownlee and Catherine Cummings, discuss the complex nature of estate regeneration, the common issues delivering estate regeneration schemes and a number of factors local authorities need to consider.

The LLG Grapevine 19th July

Deborah Evans, Dennis Hall and Helen McGrath discuss the Lord Chief Justice's comments on Serious Court Failings, the Environment Bill and climate change, the future of the planning system, the Public Accounts Committee Test and Trace 2 Inquiry, council's financial black holes, the Supreme Courts position not to interfere with political choices, the Health & Social Care Bill and the CSPL Annual…

Local Authority Insight Series - Climate Change

ON-DEMAND WEBINAR: What are the legal powers that local authorities can use to fight climate change and what legal obstacles do they face? Rachel McKoy, Stephen Cirell, Richard Honey QC and James Lupton consider the problems.

Compulsory Purchase: A fresh perspective

Paul Shadarevian QC, Harriet Townsend, Emmaline Lambert and Dr. Christina Lienen consider compulsory purchase law and practice for acquiring authorities and affected owners – pitfalls to look out for, and tips to take to heart.

The LLG Grapevine 1st June 2021

Helen McGrath and Dennis Hall of LLG discuss Lord Woolf's comments on Judicial Review, the Public Accounts Committees' Report on the Government's Education Catch Up Programme, the Environment Bill, Health and Social Care, Voter ID, Failure to Provide Adequate Reasons in Planning Permission, Stakeholder Response to the Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities Report, Social Housing Reform and…

Developing Greenfield Sites Outside Settlement Boundaries

Jonathan Clay, Dr. Ashley Bowes and Rowan Clapp explore the issues that may be faced when developing greenfield sites outside of settlement boundaries, including: housing land supply, tilted balance, access issues, commons and village greens, development within the Green Belt and landscape/heritage issues.

Carbon Neutrality - Air Quality

What is the current statutory framework for the regulation of air quality and how is it likely to evolve? Ben Standing and Laura Hughes discuss.

VAT’s the way I like it (if you’re the paying party)

Martin Carter explains the Court of Appeal’s decision in R (Friends of the Earth Limited) v Secretary of State for Transport [2021] EWCA Civ 13, which provides useful clarification on whether the Aarhus costs caps in the CPR are inclusive or exclusive of VAT.

The LLG Grapevine 1st December

Deborah Evans, Dennis Hall and Helen McGrath from LLG, discuss Devolution, All Party Parliamentary Groups. the Environment Bill, the Joint Committee on Human Rights, the Draft Building Safety Bill, the Spending Review and more.

Planning and Environmental Law Update for the Northern Region

Stephen Tromans QC, John Pugh-Smith and Christiaan Zwart present 39 Essex Chambers’ annual Planning and Environmental Law Update for the Northern Region with a focus on the region's Environmental Recovery package, Financing Infrastructure and more.

Targets & the Environment Bill

Nina Pindham considers the Environment Bill and more particularly, environmental targets – what are they replacing, what is industry, affected sectors and the Government’s thinking on how those targets should best be set; how and when are they enforced?

The LLG Grapevine 28th September

Deborah Evans, Dennis Hall and Helen McGrath discuss modern slavery, the CSPL review of institutions, local lock-downs, the adult social care winter plan, climate change, resumption of possession claims, local government earnings and demographics and the law society council seat reduction.

Delivering Infrastructure in Wales: Current issues

Russell Harris QC, James Maurici QC and Heather Sargent consider issues that infrastructure projects are currently facing in Wales, including the delivery of infrastructure in National Parks and AONBs, and the impact of the Habitats Regulations.

Environmental law update

Celina Colquhoun, Rachel Sullivan and Stephen Tromans QC provide a case law update on air quality, climate change and other recent environmental decisions.

Encouraging greener travel

Shivaji Shiva discusses the changes local authorities are making to their transport policies to encourage greener modes of transport in cities.

Encouraging greener travel

Shivaji Shiva discusses the changes local authorities are making to their transport policies to encourage greener modes of transport in cities.

Can planning meet the renewable energy challenge?

With experts saying that renewable energy could power an economic recovery from the Coronavirus, planning lawyers may soon be busy delivering renewable energy schemes. Philip Robson, Giles Cannock QC, Rebecca Williams, Chris Calvert and Peter Nesbit discuss.

Local plan examinations

Michael Bedford QC, Wayne Beglan and Rob Williams adress recent developments in planning law including Duty to Co-operate, Sustainability Appraisal, protection of the Green Belt, the relation between different levels of development plan, and more.


Drafting local authority constitutions

Local authority governance experts Simon Goacher and Paul Feild examine the role of council constitutions in the effective governance of local authorities.

Local Authority Insight Series: Local Authority Companies – How to Make Them Work

In this webinar, three highly experienced public commercial lawyers explore the background and future of local authority-owned companies, examining the pressures and complications they face, the factors behind their creation and look at how councils can best manage their external companies to avoid the pitfalls that have led some to fail.

Local Authority Insight Series: Monitoring Officers

Everything you wanted to know about being a monitoring officer but were afraid to ask. Philip McCourt and Suki Binjal, two of the profession’s most experienced MOs, look at how the nature and the profile of the role is changing.

Local Authority Insight Series: Elections

Join electoral law experts Mark Heath and Emyr Thomas as they look at the challenges faced by returning officers when running elections and look forward to how the new Elections Bill might change the landscape in future.

The Landmark Listen: Public Podcast – Standing

David Blundell QC, Richard Turney and Miranda Butler provide a detailed overview of the decision in the Good Law Project challenge and case law on the link between standing and timing in judicial review.

The LLG Grapevine - 01/03/2022

In this podcast, Helen McGrath, Head of Public Affairs & Dennis Hall, Bulletin Editor at LLG look back over the last edition of the bulletin highlighting points of interest.

The LLG Grapevine 15th November

Dennis Hall looks back over the last edition of the bulletin highlighting points of interest, pulling in government policy and national news to give you a quick round-up of topical developments.

The LLG Grapevine 19th July

Deborah Evans, Dennis Hall and Helen McGrath discuss the Lord Chief Justice's comments on Serious Court Failings, the Environment Bill and climate change, the future of the planning system, the Public Accounts Committee Test and Trace 2 Inquiry, council's financial black holes, the Supreme Courts position not to interfere with political choices, the Health & Social Care Bill and the CSPL Annual…

State Aid and subsidy control post-Brexit: an update

What is the current position on State Aid and subsidy control in the UK, and what does the future hold for these areas of law following the consultations on the proposals in the two UK Green Papers? Tim Buley QC, Luke Wilcox and James Neill discuss.

The LLG Grapevine 28th June

This week Deborah Evans, Dennis Hall and Helen McGrath discuss S.W. v United Kingdom: European Court of Human Rights, Dobson v North Cumbria Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust, Place and Wellbeing in Local Government, The Commercial edge: Renewing the case for the Local Investment, Schools and Education, Social Care Finance, MHCLG Questions last week, and the Electoral Integrity Bill.

The LLG Grapevine 15th March

Deborah Evans, Dennis Hall and Helen McGrath from LLG discuss devolution, Judicial Review, GDPR, The CfGS's Governance Risk & Resilience Framework, gender equality, flexible working, Rule of Law and Test and Trace.

The LLG Grapevine 1st March

This week Deborah Evans, Dennis Hall and Helen McGrath discuss Covid Procurement Transparency, Local Authority Pension Investment, Emergency Legislation during Covid, Working Time and being 'On Call', News from Wales, Schools, Fly-tipping and Dismissal for Not Wearing a Face Mask.

The LLG Grapevine 16th February

This week Deborah Evans, Dennis Hall and Helen McGrath discuss the Exit Payment Cap Revocation, Working from Home Securely, Elections, Remote Scrutiny Reviews, the LSB Covid Dashboard, the Domestic Abuse Bill, Devolution, CPD Reform and the Cumbria Coalmine.

The LLG Grapevine 18th January

Deborah Evans, Dennis Hall and Helen McGrath from LLG welcome Peter Stanyon, CEO of the Association of Electoral Administrators, to discuss the upcoming elections, the position at present, the volume of elections, postal voting and the practical challenges of holding covid-19 secure elections and counts.

The LLG Grapevine 1st December

Deborah Evans, Dennis Hall and Helen McGrath from LLG, discuss Devolution, All Party Parliamentary Groups. the Environment Bill, the Joint Committee on Human Rights, the Draft Building Safety Bill, the Spending Review and more.

The LLG Grapevine 24th November

This week sees a special feature with guest contributor Ed Hammond from the Centre for Governance and Scrutiny to discuss pandemic stresses and pressures on local authorities, governance challenges, the need for safeguards, reporting of decisions and the importance of review and reflection.

The LLG Grapevine 9th November

This week sees a special feature with guest contributor Derek Bedlow from the Local Government Lawyer to discuss the 'Life After Lock-down Survey' and what this means for the future of lawyers in the profession. We also discuss Brexit, Public Appointments & Transparency and the Location of Power between Central and Local Government.

The LLG Grapevine 12th October

Deborah Evans, Dennis Hall and Helen McGrath discuss the highlights of the LLG MO Conference including challenges and opportunities for Monitoring Officers, Governance and Scrutiny, The do's and don'ts of social media, the 95K exit cap, and more.

The LLG Grapevine 7th September

Deborah Evans, Dennis Hall and Helen McGrath look back over the summer and discuss reforms of the planning, the EU-UK future relationship, guidance for schools, algorithims and children falling behind, whether public services were fit to respond to the pandemic, devolution, equality and the solicitors disciplinary tribunal, and the National Institute for Health Protection.

The LLG Grapevine 29th June

Deborah Evans, Dennis Hall and Helen McGrath discuss home working, planning permission, local lock-downs, data protection and the Business and Planning Bill.

The LLG Grapevine 15th June

Deborah Evans, Dennis Hall and Helen McGrath of LLG discuss legal considerations pertaining to the removal of statutes, the draft Model Code of Conduct, the 4th Health Amendment Regulations, procurement - fraud and corruption, and more.

The LLG Grapevine 8th June

Deborah Evans (CEO), Dennis Hall (Bulletin Editor) and Helen McGrath (Head of Public Affairs) from LLG discuss the Seven Principles of Public Life, new school regulations, judicial review, remote meeting case studies, child vaccination disputes, the Commons Briefing on the role of the governments law officers, local lockdown powers and Brexit - remember that?!

Elections and the Coronavirus Act 2020

Allison Cook, Public Sector Partner at VWV, talks to specialist in elections law, Mark Heath about the changes to elections introduced under the Coronavirus Act 2020.

Workshop on virtual meetings

In this webinar, Cornerstone Barristers draw on the experience of virtual local authority meetings which have been held so far to provide some practical solutions to issues that have arisen and share best practice.

COVID-19 Weekly Brief: virtual meeting software

Tanya Corsie explores the various options for virtual meetings, covering online live streaming of meetings, the do's and don'ts of recording meetings, the need for moderators in large meetings, the role of good governance and policies, and what to do if your Councillors just don't have the technology.

Running remote parish council meetings

Many parish councils will be grappling with remote meeting technology for the first time in their response to lockdown and emergency decision making. Hosted by Deborah Evans, John Austin and Jane Moore consider how parish councils can best conduct virtual meetings and decision making during the COVID-19 crisis.

Remote meetings: natural justice and practical problems

Cornerstone Barristers discuss the new Regulations empowering local authorities to hold meetings remotely, looking at the natural justice implications of hosting virtual meetings and offer practical solutions to some of the problems local authorities are likely to encounter.

Public and admin law update

The Browne Jacobson team rounds up the latest case law, information law developments and offers tips on vires and statutory drafting in this webinar.

Virtual Meetings are the new reality for local authorities

In this free-to-view on-demand webinar, Cornerstone Barristers discuss the implications of the new Regulations which empower local authorities to hold meetings remotely (including by telephone conference, video conference, or live webcast).

Remote Council Decision Making

Landmark Chambers considers the need for remote working and looks at the practical implications of decision making and discharge of functions during the COVID-19 emergency period.

Virtual Meetings and Postponement of Elections Regulations: Guidance, Implications and Insight

This free on-demand webinar features a discussion between LLG’s Chief Executive, Deborah Evans and Mark Heath, Consultant at VWV and Returning Officer at Southampton City Council, who will examine the regulations on virtual meetings, the guidance recently produced by LLG and ADSO, and the implications of the regulations including in relation to standing orders, immediate effect and five days'…

Healthcare Law

The Landmark Listen: Public Podcast – Standing

David Blundell QC, Richard Turney and Miranda Butler provide a detailed overview of the decision in the Good Law Project challenge and case law on the link between standing and timing in judicial review.

Rapid response to the health and social care changes

On 7 September 2020, the Government announced changes to the funding of health and social care in the form of an increase in national insurance and a cap on individual care costs. In this webinar from 39 Essex Chambers, Fenella Morris QC, Sian Davies and Arianna Kelly respond to the plan.

The LLG Grapevine 28th June

This week Deborah Evans, Dennis Hall and Helen McGrath discuss S.W. v United Kingdom: European Court of Human Rights, Dobson v North Cumbria Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust, Place and Wellbeing in Local Government, The Commercial edge: Renewing the case for the Local Investment, Schools and Education, Social Care Finance, MHCLG Questions last week, and the Electoral Integrity Bill.

The LLG Grapevine 1st June 2021

Helen McGrath and Dennis Hall of LLG discuss Lord Woolf's comments on Judicial Review, the Public Accounts Committees' Report on the Government's Education Catch Up Programme, the Environment Bill, Health and Social Care, Voter ID, Failure to Provide Adequate Reasons in Planning Permission, Stakeholder Response to the Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities Report, Social Housing Reform and…

The LLG Grapevine 15th June

Deborah Evans, Dennis Hall and Helen McGrath of LLG discuss legal considerations pertaining to the removal of statutes, the draft Model Code of Conduct, the 4th Health Amendment Regulations, procurement - fraud and corruption, and more.

Health and Social Care Law and COVID-19

David Lock QC, Stephen Knafler QC and Leon Glenister discuss the effects of the coronavirus crisis on adult social care and explore the problems that arise in medical decision making when demand for respiratory services exceeds NHS capacity.

Housing Law

Foiling the fraudsters - how to detect and collect evidence of tenancy fraud

In this webinar, Angela Piears and Karolina Zielinska consider what to do if you suspect that a tenant has made fraudulent representations about who they are or where they are living, and offer their tips and tricks on preventative measures that can be used to prevent or discourage tenancy fraud from the outset of the landlord-tenant relationship.

​Unlawful sub-letting: the "Only or Principal Home" test

Stefan Liberadzki and Andrew Carter introduce our Social Housing Webinar series by discussing the keystone of any unlawful sub-letting case: whether the tenant is no longer using the property as their only or principal home. They review the established case law, explore how the case law is applied in practice, and discuss how best to present the evidence in Court.

Estate Regeneration: Keys to successful outcomes

Scott Dorling, Paul McDermott and Victoria Thornton, joined by guest speakers Barbara Brownlee and Catherine Cummings, discuss the complex nature of estate regeneration, the common issues delivering estate regeneration schemes and a number of factors local authorities need to consider.

Dealing with vulnerable tenants

Peggy Etiebet, Sarah Salmon and Zoë Whittington give an overview of the legal issues surrounding vulnerable tenants, including a look at practical issues and the courts, litigation friends, and past cases.

Relief from sanctions

Desmond Kilcoyne unpacks the relief from sanctions principles, considering the Denton test, applications for an extension of time, applications in respect of failure to comply with orders or otherwise which are outside the scope of Denton, alongside a look at practical guidance on preparing to apply for relief from sanctions.

Possession proceedings, where are we now?

Tara O'Leary, Rowan Clapp, Olivia Davies and Dr Christina Lienen take stock of how the County Courts are dealing with possession claims as the country (hopefully) moves towards an easing of COVID-19 restrictions.

Update on remedies for non-payment of rent

Richard Snape unpacks the recent government announcement around remedies for non-payment of rent - the short and long term consequences and considerations for landlords and tenants.

The LLG Grapevine 1st June 2021

Helen McGrath and Dennis Hall of LLG discuss Lord Woolf's comments on Judicial Review, the Public Accounts Committees' Report on the Government's Education Catch Up Programme, the Environment Bill, Health and Social Care, Voter ID, Failure to Provide Adequate Reasons in Planning Permission, Stakeholder Response to the Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities Report, Social Housing Reform and…

The LLG Grapevine 24th May

Deborah Evans, Dennis Hall and Helen McGrath discuss junior lawyer guidance, traveller injunctions, presenteeism, homeworking, levelling up, new laws for house buyers, renters and homeowners, planning reform and public interest reports.

Defending Disrepair Claims

What does a landlord need to know about preparing for, negotiating and - above all - avoiding litigation? Catherine Rowlands and Matthew Feldman discuss.

Dealing with homelessness appeals

Focussing on section 204 and section 204A appeals in the county court, Catherine Rowlands, Andy Lane, Tara O'Leary and Rowan Clapp look at those appeals through the lens of the local authority respondent.

Covid Enforcement Restrictions

As the UK prepares for the relaxation of lockdown, barristers Zachary Bredemear, Richard Cherry and Conor Kennedy offer a reminder of the restrictions on bringing proceedings and enforcement that are still in force.

Social housing: Disrepair masterclass

Jonathan Hulley, Clive Adams, Ian Rattenbury, Will May and Elena Singleton deliver a 'Disrepair Masterclass’, exploring tips, traps and best practice, in addition to reviewing the latest case law.

The essential housing update

Louise Leaver leads a discussion with the housing team at Bevan Brittan looking back on some of the important financial and regulatory changes that were overshadowed by the pandemic but that may still impact legal departments in 2021.

Possession Proceedings update

Alice Richardson starts the first of a series of three Trinity Landlord and Tenant focused webinars by reviewing the updated guidance and regulations for possession proceedings in light of the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic.

Collection and use of personal data: A guide for landlords

This webinar provides up to date guidance and advice for landlords and those who represent them on complying with data protection obligations, lawfully collecting CCTV for ASB and Tenancy Fraud investigations, and how such data can be used in court proceedings.

Public law and discrimination challenges to possession claims

This webinar considers the current state of play of such matters being raised in defences to possession claims, and increasingly (with discrimination) as a damages counterclaim as well, and considers strategies to deal effectively and confidently with them.

Dealing with mental health problems/capacity issues in ASB cases

In the second webinar of Cornerstone Barristers' Housing Week series, Kuljit Bhogal chairs a discussion on the different roles of each court and how they can be co-ordinated to secure expeditious outcomes in circumstances where the County Court sometimes defers to the CoP, whilst the CoP may want to defer to the County Court.

Housing-related Judicial Review

In light of the increase of housing-related judicial review, the third instalment of Cornerstone Barristers' Housing Week series provides a timely and focussed update and practical analysis of the law and procedure from pre-action protocol to costs.

Looking backwards to go forwards - Housing 2020 and 2021

In the first webinar in Cornerstone Barristers' Housing Week series, Ranjit Bhose QC, Catherine Rowlands, Andy Lane and Ruchi Parekh provide their experience and insight into the highs and lows of housing past, and the opportunities and pitfalls to come.

The LLG Grapevine 28th September

Deborah Evans, Dennis Hall and Helen McGrath discuss modern slavery, the CSPL review of institutions, local lock-downs, the adult social care winter plan, climate change, resumption of possession claims, local government earnings and demographics and the law society council seat reduction.

Possession - after the stay

Following the end of the possession stay on 21 September, Helen Tucker and Rebecca Sembuuze discuss the most recent guidance, priority cases and what to expect in court.

The LLG Grapevine 14th September

Deborah Evans, Dennis Hall and Helen McGrath discuss the EU Withdrawal Agreement, obesity, council audits, The Housing Ombudsman Annual Report, disqualification of non-compliant bids, employment law considerations of working from home, and more.

Possession update

Helen Tucker and Emilie Pownall discuss the possession notices changes and the impact on social landlords.

Commercial Property and Property Litigation

Helen Marsh and Laura Hallett Lea discuss the challenges that tenants and landlords face as a result of COVID-19. They cover concessions, tenant break clauses and new lease following service of a break notice.

Landlord Complete Overview and Q&A Session

In this webinar, Laura Hallett Lea and Samantha Abdoolah give a brief overview of the process to evict a residential tenant, including how this has been impacted by COVID-19, along with some frequently asked questions.

Injunction applications

In this podcast, Alex Loxton and Sumi Begum discuss injunction applications and the courts' approach in light of COVID-19, together with the ban on possession proceedings.

Possession proceedings

Helen Tucker and Bex Sembuuze discuss how social landlords can get to grips with what's happening with possession cases during the evictions ban/possession stay.

Homelessness and COVID-19

Catherine Rowlands, Andy Lane and Tara O'Leary consider the impact of the pandemic on homelessness with a focus on the rough sleeper initiative, the issues of priority need, intentionality and homelessness/threatened with homelessness, and the issues faced by front-line officers investigating cases and securing information.

The LLG Grapevine 15th June

Deborah Evans, Dennis Hall and Helen McGrath of LLG discuss legal considerations pertaining to the removal of statutes, the draft Model Code of Conduct, the 4th Health Amendment Regulations, procurement - fraud and corruption, and more.

Civil Penalty Notices

Vilma Vodanovic and Alice Richardson examine Civil Penalty Notices. These are part of the range of enforcement measures available to Local Authorities against private residential landlords. The session explores appeals for such Notices in the First-Tier Tribunal Property Chamber, including an explanation of the process and useful tips.

Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs)

Alice Richardson and Morgan Brien examine Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs). The webinar will be of interest to a wide range of Landlords, as well as Local Authorities and their advisers.

Break clauses in a time of uncertainty

In this webinar, Damian Falkowski and David Sawtell consider the perils and pitfalls of break clauses and how the most recent cases in this area have been decided.

Appeals in the First-Tier Tribunal Property Chamber

Vilma Vodanovic and Tom Tyson provide practical, step by step guidance on the appeals process, explaining the procedure, the distinctions from the civil courts and gives tips from both the Appellant and Local Authority's perspectives.

Local plan examinations

Michael Bedford QC, Wayne Beglan and Rob Williams adress recent developments in planning law including Duty to Co-operate, Sustainability Appraisal, protection of the Green Belt, the relation between different levels of development plan, and more.

Possession claims and the Public Sector Equality Duty

In this webinar, Andrew Lane, Ryan Kohli, Emma Dring and Ruchi Parekh summarise the key principles involved in possession claims and the PSED, review the latest case law and provide some practical tips for lawyers in this area of law.

Rights to light – where are we now?

John de Waal QC, Andrew Skelly, Cameron Stocks and Byroni Kleopa give an update on the basics of right to light claims and discuss recent case law on negotiating damages and the grant of injunctions.

Homelessness and the Public Sector Equality Duty

The housing team at Cornerstone Barristers consider how the PSED should be addressed in homelessness decisions under Part 7 Housing Act 1996, what the Courts expect to see in decision letters, and what happens if the duty is overlooked or not properly complied with.

Homes Fitness for Human Habitation Act

Alice Richardson and Tom Tyson present a free on-demand webinar looking at the practical implications of the Homes Fitness for Human Habitation Act, including in the context of the Coronavirus pandemic.

Information Law

Data Protection Essentials

The Hugh James team provide a guide of need-to-know information about the field of Data Protection law.

The LLG Grapevine 15th March

Deborah Evans, Dennis Hall and Helen McGrath from LLG discuss devolution, Judicial Review, GDPR, The CfGS's Governance Risk & Resilience Framework, gender equality, flexible working, Rule of Law and Test and Trace.

Digital Planning

Nicholle Kingsley, Zack Simons and Dr Sue Chadwick look at the current and emerging legal landscapes, common pitfalls and issues including compliance, equalities, human rights and digital ethics as well as the future of digital in planning.

Collection and use of personal data: A guide for landlords

This webinar provides up to date guidance and advice for landlords and those who represent them on complying with data protection obligations, lawfully collecting CCTV for ASB and Tenancy Fraud investigations, and how such data can be used in court proceedings.

The LLG Grapevine 29th June

Deborah Evans, Dennis Hall and Helen McGrath discuss home working, planning permission, local lock-downs, data protection and the Business and Planning Bill.

Public and admin law update

The Browne Jacobson team rounds up the latest case law, information law developments and offers tips on vires and statutory drafting in this webinar.


Local Authority Insight Series: Taxi Licensing

A fascinating discussion between Taxi Licensing experts Stephen Turner and James T H Button who outline and analyse the latest issues concerning taxi licensing for local authorities.

Licensing v.2.0 – a system reboot post-Covid

Philip Kolvin QC considers possible reforms to the licensing system that he says, if made in the wake of the pandemic, might determine the future of our towns and cities over the next 25 years.

New taxi and PHV Standards

The Government last week (21 July) published the long-awaited Statutory Taxi & Private Hire Vehicle Standards. Philip Kolvin QC discusses the implications of the new standards.

COVID-19 Recovery: what’s in the Business and Planning Bill?

In this webinar, a cross-chamber group of barristers analyse the Business and Planning Bill, discuss changes to the community infrastructure levy, and give an update on remote decision making and publicity and consultation issues during the COVID-19 era.

Remote licensing hearings: what you need to know

In this in-depth webinar, licensing experts at Cornerstone Barristers discuss how authorities are questioning how the existing licensing hearing regulations work alongside new remote meetings regulations.

Litigation and Enforcement

TOLATA Update 2024

In our latest Financial Remedies webinar, Jeremy Hall and Desmond Kilcoyne discuss recent developments and case updates in TOLATA cases.

Financial Remedies Update 2024

In this finanical remedies webinar, Siân Smith and Hannah Justiva discuss the most recent developments in financial remedies, including case law and procedure.

Public Law Update

In the second webinar in our public law series, Amanda Jepson and Carolina Bax provide a concise round up of the most relevant cases to have been reported in the last 12 months.

Private Law Update 2024

Siân Smith and Catrin Howells conclude 42BR's private law webinar series by reviewing the latest news and key decisions in private law proceedings of 2024.

Judicial Review/Commercial Litigation

Sarah Whittle, Trish D’Souza and Daniel Taylor provide insights for the public sector on the latest developments in relation to judicial review and commercial litigation.

Part 36: Recent cases and what they can teach us

Gordon Exall looks at recent cases in relation to Part 36, including decisions relating to the construction and validity of Part 36 offers, issues in relation to whether and when offers are effective, and finally looking at the cases that deal with the consequences of a party failing to beat a Part 36 offer.

Planning for Protests

Tim Polli QC, Michael Buckpitt and Michael Walsh discuss the recent protests taking place across the country and how the courts approach applications for injunctions by landowners and public authorities.

Relief from sanctions

Desmond Kilcoyne unpacks the relief from sanctions principles, considering the Denton test, applications for an extension of time, applications in respect of failure to comply with orders or otherwise which are outside the scope of Denton, alongside a look at practical guidance on preparing to apply for relief from sanctions.

The LLG Grapevine 19th July

Deborah Evans, Dennis Hall and Helen McGrath discuss the Lord Chief Justice's comments on Serious Court Failings, the Environment Bill and climate change, the future of the planning system, the Public Accounts Committee Test and Trace 2 Inquiry, council's financial black holes, the Supreme Courts position not to interfere with political choices, the Health & Social Care Bill and the CSPL Annual…

Judicial review & the planning system in 2021

Richard Harwood OBE QC, Chris Todman, Celina Colquhoun, Simon Ricketts and Katherine Barnes look at practical tips, current trends, and consider what’s around the corner for judicial review and the planning system.

Occupiers Liability: Reminder of the basics

Robert Parkin and Henk Soede cover the basic principles of Occupiers Liability, focusing on what to look for in a potential claim and areas of weakness for potential defences.

The LLG Grapevine 1st June 2021

Helen McGrath and Dennis Hall of LLG discuss Lord Woolf's comments on Judicial Review, the Public Accounts Committees' Report on the Government's Education Catch Up Programme, the Environment Bill, Health and Social Care, Voter ID, Failure to Provide Adequate Reasons in Planning Permission, Stakeholder Response to the Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities Report, Social Housing Reform and…

Junior Litigators Toolkit

Trinity barristers Chris Hegarty, Jack Cottrell, Paul Kerfoot and pupil Patience Abladey discuss a range of procedural topics, from witness statements to disclosure and from e-bundles to applications.

Rossendale v Hurstwood

The Supreme Court judgement of Rossendale Borough Council v Hurstwood Properties Ltd. on empty properties and business rates has far-reaching consequences for landlords. Richard Snape considers the ruling.

Defending Disrepair Claims

What does a landlord need to know about preparing for, negotiating and - above all - avoiding litigation? Catherine Rowlands and Matthew Feldman discuss.

Testamentary Capacity: Time for a change?

Falk J has recently handed down her decision in Clitheroe v Bond [2021] EWHC 1102 (Ch), which raises fundamental questions regarding testamentary capacity, and in particular whether the Banks v Goodfellow test should be replaced by the test in the Mental Capacity Act 2005, as well as clarifying the test for insane delusions and the role of fixed false beliefs. In this webinar, Sir James Munby,…

Dealing with homelessness appeals

Focussing on section 204 and section 204A appeals in the county court, Catherine Rowlands, Andy Lane, Tara O'Leary and Rowan Clapp look at those appeals through the lens of the local authority respondent.

Court of Protection Q&A 4: Property & Affairs

In the final instalment of their fortnightly series, Fay Collinson, Arevik Jackson and Sophie Hurst answer questions submitted live, primarily focussed on Property & Affairs in the Court of Protection.

Covid Enforcement Restrictions

As the UK prepares for the relaxation of lockdown, barristers Zachary Bredemear, Richard Cherry and Conor Kennedy offer a reminder of the restrictions on bringing proceedings and enforcement that are still in force.

Court of Protection Q&A Series: 3

Sophie Hurst and Richard Borrett from Kings Chambers' Court of Protection team answer questions submitted live, primarily focussed on health & welfare law.

Post COVID-19 child abuse litigation: A new future

Sharing their experiences and learning over the last 18 months, Leah Jones, Sarah Erwin-Jones and James Arrowsmith look beyond the immediate impact of COVID-19 and discuss the future of litigation including child abuse litigation.

Unregulated placements

Olivia Choudhury examines a case involving the use of an unregulated placement by Lancashire County Council and discusses the impact of such placements alongside possible reforms.

Court of Protection Q&A Series: 2

Sophie Allan and Aisling Campbell from Kings Chambers' Court of Protection team answer questions submitted live, primarily focussed on health & welfare law.

Proving or disproving disability

Amy Stroud considers some of the issues concerning the operation of section 6 of the Equality Act 2010, particularly around mental impairment, that have arisen in the Employment Appeal Tribunal in recent times.

That ADR Feeling

The Independent Review of Administrative Law and the Civil Justice Council review of Pre-Action Protocols need to highlight the tangible benefits that can be derived from the greater promotion and use of ADR within the current administrative law system, writes John Pugh-Smith.

The LLG Grapevine 3rd November

Deborah Evans, Dennis Hall and Helen McGrath discuss the Planning White Paper, the CQC's Report on Restraint, Segregation and Seclusion, Commercial Property Investment, the Review of Judicial Review, the Longer Term Plans for the Virtual Meeting Provisions, Technology and the Law, The Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities and Citizens Assemblies.

PC in 2020: Has the Planning Court proved a success?

Has the Planning Court proved a success? What should be its future, and that of judicial review and statutory challenges in the planning system, in the light of the Faulks review? John Litton QC, Duncan Field, Tim Buley QC, Simon Ricketts and Jenny Wigley discuss.

Injunction applications

In this podcast, Alex Loxton and Sumi Begum discuss injunction applications and the courts' approach in light of COVID-19, together with the ban on possession proceedings.

Public law update: Vaccinations

Focusing on the Court of Appeal's recent decision in Re H (A Child)(Parental Responsibility: Vaccination), Joanna Moody discusses vaccinations within the sphere of public law proceedings.

Appeals in the First-Tier Tribunal Property Chamber

Vilma Vodanovic and Tom Tyson provide practical, step by step guidance on the appeals process, explaining the procedure, the distinctions from the civil courts and gives tips from both the Appellant and Local Authority's perspectives.

COVID-19 and inquests: an update with Peter Skelton QC

In this episode of Law Pod UK, Emma-Louise Fenelon and Peter Skelton QC discuss the recent changes in legislation and guidance concerning the Coronial jurisdiction since the outbreak of COVID-19 and the ways in which Coroners and practitioners are rising to meet the challenges faced in lockdown.

Remote licensing hearings: what you need to know

In this in-depth webinar, licensing experts at Cornerstone Barristers discuss how authorities are questioning how the existing licensing hearing regulations work alongside new remote meetings regulations.

What COVID-19 means for enforcement

The Coronavirus has impacted enforcement of planning control in a number of ways. Harriet Townsend and Jack Parker explore how coronavirus has changed breaches of planning control, LPA investigative powers, enforcement action alongside other breaches.


Planning Case Law Update

Sarah Sutherland and colleagues discuss recent case law in the field of planning law and round off Burges Salmon's 2022 Planning and Compulsory Purchase Webinar series.

Construction Law Update

This Hugh James Webinar discusses the latest news in the field of Construction Law, including the Building Safety Act 2022 and recent case law.

The Levelling-up and Regeneration Bill

In this webinar we discuss the wide range of Government proposals contained within the Levelling-up and Regeneration Bill that impact on planning and compulsory purchase issues.

Environment Act and Biodiversity Net Gain

In this webinar Susan Sutherland and Cathryn Tracey provide an overview of the Parts of the Environment Act 2021, focussing on the provisions which impact the planning and compulsory purchase regime, particularly Biodiversity Net Gain and conservation covenants, and provide tips for issues to think about for projects which are being consented this year during the piecemeal introduction of all the…

Net Zero: what does it mean in practice?

Burges Salmon gives an overview of what 'Net Zero' means and consider recent statutory and policy changes in England and Wales that are likely to have an impact on development projects and decision-making.

Equality law for planners

Jenny Wigley QC, Kimberley Ziya, Alex Goodman and Alex Shattock consider the implications of equality law for planners.

The LLG Grapevine 19th July

Deborah Evans, Dennis Hall and Helen McGrath discuss the Lord Chief Justice's comments on Serious Court Failings, the Environment Bill and climate change, the future of the planning system, the Public Accounts Committee Test and Trace 2 Inquiry, council's financial black holes, the Supreme Courts position not to interfere with political choices, the Health & Social Care Bill and the CSPL Annual…

Planning case law update

James Findlay QC, Ryan Kohli, Ruchi Parekh and John Fitzsimons explore the most recent key Planning Law cases.

Judicial review & the planning system in 2021

Richard Harwood OBE QC, Chris Todman, Celina Colquhoun, Simon Ricketts and Katherine Barnes look at practical tips, current trends, and consider what’s around the corner for judicial review and the planning system.

Cut your neighbour down to size?

David Sawtell and Niraj Modha share their thoughts on common disputes between and involving neighbours, the legal issues which they throw up, and the steps which may be taken to resolve them.

Compulsory Purchase: A fresh perspective

Paul Shadarevian QC, Harriet Townsend, Emmaline Lambert and Dr. Christina Lienen consider compulsory purchase law and practice for acquiring authorities and affected owners – pitfalls to look out for, and tips to take to heart.

Planning for schools: academy and free school planning appeals

What are the tactics for defending school planning appeals where a free school or academy is promoted by the Secretary of State for Education and planning permission is refused (or an application is undetermined) by the local planning authority? Lisa Busch QC, Harriet Townsend, Ryan Kohli and Rowan Clapp discuss.

The LLG Grapevine 1st June 2021

Helen McGrath and Dennis Hall of LLG discuss Lord Woolf's comments on Judicial Review, the Public Accounts Committees' Report on the Government's Education Catch Up Programme, the Environment Bill, Health and Social Care, Voter ID, Failure to Provide Adequate Reasons in Planning Permission, Stakeholder Response to the Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities Report, Social Housing Reform and…

The future of heritage planning

Lawyers from Landmark Chambers, Herbert Smith Freehills and Montagu Evans consider the impact of the Bramshill case on the future of heritage planning.

Developing Greenfield Sites Outside Settlement Boundaries

Jonathan Clay, Dr. Ashley Bowes and Rowan Clapp explore the issues that may be faced when developing greenfield sites outside of settlement boundaries, including: housing land supply, tilted balance, access issues, commons and village greens, development within the Green Belt and landscape/heritage issues.

The LLG Grapevine 24th May

Deborah Evans, Dennis Hall and Helen McGrath discuss junior lawyer guidance, traveller injunctions, presenteeism, homeworking, levelling up, new laws for house buyers, renters and homeowners, planning reform and public interest reports.

What next? Residential property law in 2021/22

What changes are on the horizon for residential property lawyers, following the most recent national lockdown? Justin Bates, Rupert Cohen and Kimberley Ziya provide a review of two areas of forthcoming reform.

Costs for Planners

Join Tom Morris, Rupert Cohen and Nick Grant as they explore the costs jurisdiction.

Getting to grips with infrastructure projects as a local authority

Michael Bedford QC and Ruchi Parekh consider lessons learnt from recent DCO Examinations, including their experiences from the Norwich Northern Distributor Road, the Lake Lothing Third Crossing, the Great Yarmouth Third River Crossing, the East Anglia One North and East Anglia Two offshore windfarms, and the Sizewell C nuclear power station Examinations.

Local plans: Tips for success

Paul Shadarevian QC, Wayne Beglan, Clare Parry and Dr. Ashley Bowes discuss numerous topics relating to Local Plans, including duty to cooperate, the examination, legal challenges and policy drafting.

Planning law update for local authorities: Dealing with appeals

Jacqueline Lean, Matthew Fraser, Andrew Parkinson, Nick Grant and Joe Thomas provide helpful tips on three main areas in planning law: resisting written representations appeals, opposing appeals when brought by way of a hearing, and the vexed topic of costs.

The future of local plans

Gary Grant chairs a discussion that looks at the implications of a 'transformational' year in terms of town and country planning and considers what the future holds.

Digital Planning

Nicholle Kingsley, Zack Simons and Dr Sue Chadwick look at the current and emerging legal landscapes, common pitfalls and issues including compliance, equalities, human rights and digital ethics as well as the future of digital in planning.

The LLG Grapevine 16th February

This week Deborah Evans, Dennis Hall and Helen McGrath discuss the Exit Payment Cap Revocation, Working from Home Securely, Elections, Remote Scrutiny Reviews, the LSB Covid Dashboard, the Domestic Abuse Bill, Devolution, CPD Reform and the Cumbria Coalmine.

Tall buildings in London: Where next?

Landmark Chambers and Pinsent Masons host a webinar to examine the challenges and opportunities on tall building development in London and beyond, looking at national policy and the approach of the Secretary of State, alongside the Mayor’s new London Plan.

Varying planning permissions

Landmark Chambers and Herbert Smith Freehills host a webinar to discuss the current state of the law on varying planning permissions, the impact of recent case law including Lambeth and Finney, explain the practical implications for developers, landlords, tenants and funders, and propose some possible ideas for reform.

Planning case law: Asda Stores v Leeds City Council

Stephanie Hall looks at a recent Court of Appeal judgment which concerns whether paragraph 90 of the NPPF means what it says when it suggests that permission “should be refused” for development having a significant adverse impact on a retail centre.

Planning and Environmental Law Update for the Northern Region

Stephen Tromans QC, John Pugh-Smith and Christiaan Zwart present 39 Essex Chambers’ annual Planning and Environmental Law Update for the Northern Region with a focus on the region's Environmental Recovery package, Financing Infrastructure and more.

The LLG Grapevine 3rd November

Deborah Evans, Dennis Hall and Helen McGrath discuss the Planning White Paper, the CQC's Report on Restraint, Segregation and Seclusion, Commercial Property Investment, the Review of Judicial Review, the Longer Term Plans for the Virtual Meeting Provisions, Technology and the Law, The Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities and Citizens Assemblies.

Targets & the Environment Bill

Nina Pindham considers the Environment Bill and more particularly, environmental targets – what are they replacing, what is industry, affected sectors and the Government’s thinking on how those targets should best be set; how and when are they enforced?

PC in 2020: Has the Planning Court proved a success?

Has the Planning Court proved a success? What should be its future, and that of judicial review and statutory challenges in the planning system, in the light of the Faulks review? John Litton QC, Duncan Field, Tim Buley QC, Simon Ricketts and Jenny Wigley discuss.

Noises and Smells

James Burton, Rose Grogan and Katherine Barnes provide a practical overview of the statutory and policy framework available to local authorities and others to address noises and smells.

The LLG Grapevine 7th September

Deborah Evans, Dennis Hall and Helen McGrath look back over the summer and discuss reforms of the planning, the EU-UK future relationship, guidance for schools, algorithims and children falling behind, whether public services were fit to respond to the pandemic, devolution, equality and the solicitors disciplinary tribunal, and the National Institute for Health Protection.

The Planning White Paper

In this webinar, Peter Village QC, Thomas Hill QC, Richard Harwood QC, Philippa Jackson and Victoria Hutton discuss what they say is considered the biggest shake-up of the planning system since 1947.

New Class E: The planning implications

Meeta Kaur chairs an informal discussion focused on the changes to the Use Classes Order and how they have potentially fundamental consequences for land owners, developers, local authorities and communities.

Joint planning across authority lines

The second webinar of their series analysing key elements of the local planning process sees Michael Bedford QC and Dr Ashley Bowes discuss joint planning across authority lines.

COVID-19 Recovery: what’s in the Business and Planning Bill?

In this webinar, a cross-chamber group of barristers analyse the Business and Planning Bill, discuss changes to the community infrastructure levy, and give an update on remote decision making and publicity and consultation issues during the COVID-19 era.

Planning - six-month update

Stuart Evans and Rachel Sutcliffe look at the latest legislative, case law, guidance and policy updates in planning law over the last six months.

SEA/SA and Spatial Strategies

In the first webinar of their new series analysing key elements of the local planning process, James Findlay QC, Rob Williams and Emma Dring discuss SEA/SA and Spatial Strategies.

Property in Quarantine - Part 2: Mixed-use headaches and hurdles

The number of mixed-use developments continues to grow, both as a result of new developments and due to changes in use of existing stock. In this webinar, Katie Helmore and Simon Allison run through some key legal issues and pitfalls that can arise in mixed-use schemes.

No5 Barristers' Chambers Planning Podcast - Episode 9 - Infrastructure

Richard Kimblin QC interviews Angus Walker, Chair of the Board of the National Infrastructure Planning Association on infrastructure projects during the emergency, whether consenting procedures might actually be better after the emergency and infrastructure and economic recovery.

The LLG Grapevine 29th June

Deborah Evans, Dennis Hall and Helen McGrath discuss home working, planning permission, local lock-downs, data protection and the Business and Planning Bill.

Planning for the recovery - episode 4

The panel of planning barristers from No5 return again with answers to a range of questions from across the planning sector. Christopher Young QC, Thea Osmund-Smith, James Corbet Burcher, Jack Smyth and Leanne Buckley-Thomson discuss government legislation, guidance and broader sector activity.

Progressing DCO projects during COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly affected infrastructure planning, resulting in DCO delays for nationally significant infrastructure projects. Angus Walker, discusses progressing DCO projects during this time.

Update to progressing DCOs during COVID-19

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to affect infrastructure planning and cause delays to nationally significant infrastructure projects, Angus Walker provides an update on progressing DCOs during this time.

Development plan issues

With the Government apparently maintaining its objective of having all local plans in place by the end of 2023, this webinar considers the current issues for development plan preparation arising from the restrictions imposed in response to the coronavirus pandemic.

ATMs – is this cash machine free to use?

In another instalment of their mini webinar series on rating law, Dan Kolinsky QC, Tim Morshead QC and Tim Mould QC discuss the implications of the Supreme Court’s recent decision in Cardtronics and others v Sykes (VO).

Planning for the recovery - episode 3

In the third instalment of a four-part webinar series, Christopher Young QC, Leanne Buckley-Thomson, Thea Osmund-Smith, Jack Smyth and James Corbet Burcher tackle another set of planning questions.

Local Plans Do's & Don'ts

In the 10th episode of Kings Chambers' Planning Podcast, David Manley QC, Gary Grant and Constanze Bell, chaired by Philip Robson discuss keeping local plans alive.

Planning for the recovery - episode 2

In the second instalment of a four-part webinar series, Christopher Young QC, Leanne Buckley-Thomson, Thea Osmund-Smith, Jack Smyth and James Corbet Burcher look at 12 questions including how will LPAs make robust assessments of supply in the absence of data, how to determine a planning application in the absence of a site visit and more.

Planning for the recovery - episode 1

In the first instalment of a four-part webinar series, Christopher Young QC, Leanne Buckley-Thomson, Thea Osmund-Smith, Jack Smyth and James Corbet Burcher look at how the pandemic will affect planning enquiries and five-year supply, alongside recent Secretary of State decisions and more.

Planning case law review

Tom Cosgrove QC and Robin Green have an in-depth discussion of significant decisions of the higher courts and their implications for planning in 2020.

Can planning meet the renewable energy challenge?

With experts saying that renewable energy could power an economic recovery from the Coronavirus, planning lawyers may soon be busy delivering renewable energy schemes. Philip Robson, Giles Cannock QC, Rebecca Williams, Chris Calvert and Peter Nesbit discuss.

Current Issues in Environmental Law Part 3

The Landmark Chambers team discuss current issues in environmental law, including a habitats update, and waste and air quality issues surrounding the Environmental Bill.

Local plan examinations

Michael Bedford QC, Wayne Beglan and Rob Williams adress recent developments in planning law including Duty to Co-operate, Sustainability Appraisal, protection of the Green Belt, the relation between different levels of development plan, and more.

Pretty Vacant: using vacant building credit

In the 8th episode of Kings Chambers' Planning Podcast, Matthew Stafford, Jonathan Easton, Piers Riley-Smith and Philip Robson consider how Vacant Building Credit may be used in response to the potential rise in vacant buildings during the COVID-19 crisis.

Planning appeals in the era of COVID-19

In this webinar, Lisa Busch QC and Dr Ashley Bowes provided an update on the latest position taken by PINs, commenting on comparable steps taken by Government and local authorities in other areas of public law decision-making.

Rights to light – where are we now?

John de Waal QC, Andrew Skelly, Cameron Stocks and Byroni Kleopa give an update on the basics of right to light claims and discuss recent case law on negotiating damages and the grant of injunctions.

What COVID-19 means for enforcement

The Coronavirus has impacted enforcement of planning control in a number of ways. Harriet Townsend and Jack Parker explore how coronavirus has changed breaches of planning control, LPA investigative powers, enforcement action alongside other breaches.

Garden Cities, Regeneration and Compulsory Purchase Orders

This on-demand webinar, led by planning specialists Sarah Sutherland and Gary Soloman, covers key cases on consenting hurdles, the 2020 focus on standards including net gain and Living with Beauty and utilising CPO for garden cities and regeneration projects.

No5 Barristers' Chambers Planning Podcast - Episode 1 - 'ICC 2020'

Having had to postpone their Annual Planning Seminar until October due to the ongoing Covid-19 crisis, the No5 Planning Team has taken to the airwaves to record No5’s inaugural podcast, giving a manageable discussion on various pertinent planning matters that would have been presented at the ICC.

Procurement and Contracts

Unpicking the Procurement Act Episode 4: Challenges and Remedies

39 Essex Chambers Barrister Katherine Barnes is joined by Laura Thornton, Associate Director at Osborne Clarke, to discuss challenges and remedies under the Procurement Act 2023. Having identified the main changes, the speakers go on to consider the significance of the changes.

Unpicking the Procurement Act Episode 3: Contract Modification

In this episode, 39 Essex Chambers barrister Katherine Barnes is joined by Jonathan Davey, Partner at Addleshaw Goddard specialising in procurement and commercial law, to discuss the rules for the modification of contracts under the Procurement Act 2023, the extent to which these represent a substantive change in practice and possible difficulties arising.

Unpicking the Procurement Act Episode 2: Exclusion and Debarment

39 Essex Chambers barrister Katherine Barnes and Parishil Patel KC is joined by Lucy James, partner and National Head of Commercial Litigation at Trowers & Hamlins, to discuss the grounds on which suppliers can be excluded under the Procurement Act 2023, the new debarment list and the implications of these for procurement practice and litigation.

Unpicking the Procurement Act Episode 1: Overview and New Procedures

In the first episode of this series, Katherine Barnes and Rose Grogan of 39 Essex Chambers introduce the Procurement Act 2023 and its new procurement procedures. Over multiple episodes, Katherine Barnes, public, procurement and planning barrister at 39 Essex Chambers, will discuss the key changes to public procurement under the Procurement Act 2023 with various expert speakers. The podcast takes…

Webinar: Varying a public contract

In this webinar, DWF's public procurement experts delivered a practical guide on how contracting authorities can vary a public contract in accordance with the Public Contracts Regulations 2015.

Local Authority Insight Series: Local Authority Companies – How to Make Them Work

In this webinar, three highly experienced public commercial lawyers explore the background and future of local authority-owned companies, examining the pressures and complications they face, the factors behind their creation and look at how councils can best manage their external companies to avoid the pitfalls that have led some to fail.

The Procurement Bill: an expert briefing

This briefing by Burges Salmon and Institute for Government outlines the Government’s new Procurement Bill, and asks what the changes mean in practice for both the public and private sector.

The Procurement Bill Explained

Join experienced procurement experts Kieran McGaughey and Andrew Millross for this on demand webinar as they outline the changes outlined in the Procurement Bill and how they might work in practice for contracting authorities.

State Aid and subsidy control post-Brexit: an update

What is the current position on State Aid and subsidy control in the UK, and what does the future hold for these areas of law following the consultations on the proposals in the two UK Green Papers? Tim Buley QC, Luke Wilcox and James Neill discuss.

The LLG Grapevine 28th June

This week Deborah Evans, Dennis Hall and Helen McGrath discuss S.W. v United Kingdom: European Court of Human Rights, Dobson v North Cumbria Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust, Place and Wellbeing in Local Government, The Commercial edge: Renewing the case for the Local Investment, Schools and Education, Social Care Finance, MHCLG Questions last week, and the Electoral Integrity Bill.

Issues Around Lease Termination

With the major changes to the real estate market resulting from the covid-19 pandemic, Myriam Stacey QC, Nic Taggart, Richard Clarke and Tom Morris discuss topical issues around lease termination in both the residential and commercial contexts.

The LLG Grapevine 16th February

This week Deborah Evans, Dennis Hall and Helen McGrath discuss the Exit Payment Cap Revocation, Working from Home Securely, Elections, Remote Scrutiny Reviews, the LSB Covid Dashboard, the Domestic Abuse Bill, Devolution, CPD Reform and the Cumbria Coalmine.

Delivering leisure facilities in a post-covid world

The pandemic has introduced new hurdles in the provision of local authority led leisure services. Peter Ware, Catherine Rustomji and Alex Kynoch look at the different options available to councils, including establishing a charity.

The LLG Grapevine 15th June

Deborah Evans, Dennis Hall and Helen McGrath of LLG discuss legal considerations pertaining to the removal of statutes, the draft Model Code of Conduct, the 4th Health Amendment Regulations, procurement - fraud and corruption, and more.

Projects and Regeneration

Construction Webinar: Autumn Update '22

Birketts' construction and engineering experts are joined by insolvency expert Matthew Weston to deliver their Autumn update webinar. They discuss collateral warranties vs third-party rights, insolvency in construction contracts and covered case law updates.

Estate Regeneration: Keys to successful outcomes

Scott Dorling, Paul McDermott and Victoria Thornton, joined by guest speakers Barbara Brownlee and Catherine Cummings, discuss the complex nature of estate regeneration, the common issues delivering estate regeneration schemes and a number of factors local authorities need to consider.

Regeneration review

Neil Walker, Alex Kynoch, Jonathan Allen, Mark Stubbs and Ayesha Khalique look at four keys areas of regeneration, including public funding of regeneration projects, planning, construction, finishing with a look at recent impactful real estate developments affecting regeneration.

Getting to grips with infrastructure projects as a local authority

Michael Bedford QC and Ruchi Parekh consider lessons learnt from recent DCO Examinations, including their experiences from the Norwich Northern Distributor Road, the Lake Lothing Third Crossing, the Great Yarmouth Third River Crossing, the East Anglia One North and East Anglia Two offshore windfarms, and the Sizewell C nuclear power station Examinations.

Delivering Infrastructure in Wales: Current issues

Russell Harris QC, James Maurici QC and Heather Sargent consider issues that infrastructure projects are currently facing in Wales, including the delivery of infrastructure in National Parks and AONBs, and the impact of the Habitats Regulations.

COVID-19 Recovery: what’s in the Business and Planning Bill?

In this webinar, a cross-chamber group of barristers analyse the Business and Planning Bill, discuss changes to the community infrastructure levy, and give an update on remote decision making and publicity and consultation issues during the COVID-19 era.

Pretty Vacant: using vacant building credit

In the 8th episode of Kings Chambers' Planning Podcast, Matthew Stafford, Jonathan Easton, Piers Riley-Smith and Philip Robson consider how Vacant Building Credit may be used in response to the potential rise in vacant buildings during the COVID-19 crisis.

All Over For The Shop?

In this podcast, Kings Chambers' Philip Robson talks to Jeremy Hinds, National Head of Retail Planning at Savills, about the future of the high street, including what retailers and local authorities can do to deliver vibrant town centres.

Garden Cities, Regeneration and Compulsory Purchase Orders

This on-demand webinar, led by planning specialists Sarah Sutherland and Gary Soloman, covers key cases on consenting hurdles, the 2020 focus on standards including net gain and Living with Beauty and utilising CPO for garden cities and regeneration projects.


Property Nuts and Bolts – Part 3 – Possession claims

These webinars are designed to introduce key topics that are likely to crop up for property litigators. The talks will provide an overview of the legal and procedural landscape with plenty of time for delegates to ask questions at the end.

Property Fraud - 42BR

In the fourth session of our Civil Fraud Webinar Series 2024 - 2025, Andrew Carter and Paul Fuller review the law, together with some recent authorities, and discuss practical and tactical considerations in relation to property fraud; real, personal, legal and equitable.

Rent Repayment Orders: Assessing the Amount

Mathew McDermott and Karolina Zielinska sit down to discuss how the First-tier Tribunal (Property Chamber) is currently approaching the assessment of the amount of rent repayment orders that are made in a tenant’s favour.

Construction Law Update

This Hugh James Webinar discusses the latest news in the field of Construction Law, including the Building Safety Act 2022 and recent case law.

Trowers' second annual mini-conference on building safety

Trower's mini-conference looked at the key aspects of the Building Safety Bill published in July 2021 and some key themes and processes of the Government's plans to reform the fire and structural safety regime for buildings in England as they have developed.

Cut your neighbour down to size?

David Sawtell and Niraj Modha share their thoughts on common disputes between and involving neighbours, the legal issues which they throw up, and the steps which may be taken to resolve them.

Issues Around Lease Termination

With the major changes to the real estate market resulting from the covid-19 pandemic, Myriam Stacey QC, Nic Taggart, Richard Clarke and Tom Morris discuss topical issues around lease termination in both the residential and commercial contexts.

The LLG Grapevine 24th May

Deborah Evans, Dennis Hall and Helen McGrath discuss junior lawyer guidance, traveller injunctions, presenteeism, homeworking, levelling up, new laws for house buyers, renters and homeowners, planning reform and public interest reports.

Rossendale v Hurstwood

The Supreme Court judgement of Rossendale Borough Council v Hurstwood Properties Ltd. on empty properties and business rates has far-reaching consequences for landlords. Richard Snape considers the ruling.

Court of Protection Q&A 4: Property & Affairs

In the final instalment of their fortnightly series, Fay Collinson, Arevik Jackson and Sophie Hurst answer questions submitted live, primarily focussed on Property & Affairs in the Court of Protection.

The LLG Grapevine 3rd November

Deborah Evans, Dennis Hall and Helen McGrath discuss the Planning White Paper, the CQC's Report on Restraint, Segregation and Seclusion, Commercial Property Investment, the Review of Judicial Review, the Longer Term Plans for the Virtual Meeting Provisions, Technology and the Law, The Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities and Citizens Assemblies.

Commercial Property and Property Litigation

Helen Marsh and Laura Hallett Lea discuss the challenges that tenants and landlords face as a result of COVID-19. They cover concessions, tenant break clauses and new lease following service of a break notice.

What's next for property litigation?

Michael Walsh, Tim Polli QC and Daniel Dovar discuss Dhillon v (1) Barclays Bank plc & (2) Chief Land Registrar [2020] EWCA Civ 619, the Corporate Insolvency and Governance Bill and their predictions for what will be keeping property litigators busy for the next six months.

ATMs – is this cash machine free to use?

In another instalment of their mini webinar series on rating law, Dan Kolinsky QC, Tim Morshead QC and Tim Mould QC discuss the implications of the Supreme Court’s recent decision in Cardtronics and others v Sykes (VO).

From surviving to thriving in the new normal

Acuity Law and Cooke & Arkwright review the latest developments and continually evolving legislative environment in the commercial property market and the issues relevant to real estate professionals in the current climate.

All Over For The Shop?

In this podcast, Kings Chambers' Philip Robson talks to Jeremy Hinds, National Head of Retail Planning at Savills, about the future of the high street, including what retailers and local authorities can do to deliver vibrant town centres.

Amendments to PD51Z

In the first in a series of podcasts addressing topical property-related legal issues, Jonathan Upton, Michael Walsh, Piers Harrison and Daniel Dovar of Tanfield Chambers discuss the amendment to PD51Z.


Protest Injunctions

This is a recording of the webinar to launch Yaaser Vanderman’s “Manual on Protest Injunctions: Practice, Procedure and Persons Unknown”.

Regeneration review

Neil Walker, Alex Kynoch, Jonathan Allen, Mark Stubbs and Ayesha Khalique look at four keys areas of regeneration, including public funding of regeneration projects, planning, construction, finishing with a look at recent impactful real estate developments affecting regeneration.

Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs)

Alice Richardson and Morgan Brien examine Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs). The webinar will be of interest to a wide range of Landlords, as well as Local Authorities and their advisers.

Appeals in the First-Tier Tribunal Property Chamber

Vilma Vodanovic and Tom Tyson provide practical, step by step guidance on the appeals process, explaining the procedure, the distinctions from the civil courts and gives tips from both the Appellant and Local Authority's perspectives.

The three p's of processing ill health retirement

In this webinar, Alice Kinder looks at the impact of two recent decisions of the pensions ombudsman concerning the ill health retirement of individuals in the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS).

Transport and Highways

Local Authority Insight Series: Making Highways Fit for the Future

Join Ruth Stockley, barrister at Kings Chambers, and Chris Burgess of Norfolk County Council for an in-depth discussion that addresses the legal issues and obstacles involved with adapting highways for a low carbon future and the legal tools available to local authorities.

Planning for Protests

Tim Polli QC, Michael Buckpitt and Michael Walsh discuss the recent protests taking place across the country and how the courts approach applications for injunctions by landowners and public authorities.

The Transport and Works Act

Neil Cameron QC, Matthew Henderson, Lorrae Hendry and Kevin Gibbs consider the relevance of the Transport and Works Act (TWA) in an era where development consent orders are often the preferred option for promoting major infrastructure projects.

Getting to grips with infrastructure projects as a local authority

Michael Bedford QC and Ruchi Parekh consider lessons learnt from recent DCO Examinations, including their experiences from the Norwich Northern Distributor Road, the Lake Lothing Third Crossing, the Great Yarmouth Third River Crossing, the East Anglia One North and East Anglia Two offshore windfarms, and the Sizewell C nuclear power station Examinations.

Rights of Way: An introduction to Private and Public Rights of Way

Lynsey Ellard and Carol Ramsden provide an overview of the differences between private and public rights of way; the characteristics of private and public rights of way; how they are created and how creation may be controlled and how private rights of way may be protected.

Highways Q&A Session

In this webinar, Elizabeth Bower, Nigel McCloy and Ridwaan Omar consider the challenges that local authorities have faced when inspecting and repairing highways during the COVID-19 crisis as well as future challenges in defending claims as a result of the pandemic.

Encouraging greener travel

Shivaji Shiva discusses the changes local authorities are making to their transport policies to encourage greener modes of transport in cities.


Wellbeing session 5: Vicarious trauma

Mary Jackson, of LawCare, leads a discussion aimed at helping local government lawyers develop self-awareness regarding the importance of their mental fitness, with a particular focus on learning to recognise and cope with the occupational risk of Vicarious Trauma.

Wellbeing session 4: Reflections on leadership

Amardeep Gill speaks to Gareth Edmundson, Chief Executive at Cheltenham Borough Council. The pair discuss authentic leadership, including Gareth's experience of depression and anxiety and how this has shaped his approach to working with others.

Wellbeing session 3: My wellbeing strategy workshop

Lawyers in Local Government hosts a webinar discussing wellbeing techniques for legal professionals. Yvonne Oakenfull of Shoosmiths explores some of the components of wellbeing and what it might mean to you.