Encouraging greener travel

Shivaji Shiva discusses the changes local authorities are making to their transport policies to encourage greener modes of transport in cities.

Included in this podcast:

  • The benefits of less carbon-emitting transport for our cities
  • Planning the return to work using public transport and issues arising due to coronavirus
  • Issues and incentives of the policy
  • How active travel can benefit you and the society we live in
  • Encouraging active commuting to and from work

Our Resources

Local Authority Resources

Pre-empting Protest - Better Engagement for Better Streets'

 Also Mentioned - the Court of Public Opinion

VWV Green Transport Edited from Local Government Lawyer on Vimeo.

About the speaker


Shivaji Shiva

Shivaji has 20 years' experience working in the charity law sector advising staff and board members of charities, and other not-for-profit organisations.

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