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Harpur holiday pay – judgment published

In this podcast, you will listen to Libby Hubbard and Anna Dabek from the Anthony Collins employment and pensions team, providing a brief summary of the impact of the long-awaited judgment in the case of Harpur Trust v Brazel published on 20 July 2022.

Libby and Anna break down the Court of Appeal’s reasoning, which has now been confirmed by the Supreme Court, explain who is affected by the judgment, and how employers should proceed.


Anna Dabek


Anna is a partner in the employment and pensions team. She supports a range of not-for-profit, charitable and commercial organisations providing complex and strategic advice to HR directors and senior executive teams. She has a particular interest in supporting the health and social care sector.

Libby Hubbard

Professional support lawyer

Libby is a professional support lawyer in the pensions and employment team. She works with all sectors to ensure their clients receive current, practical and sector-specific knowledge of developments; be they in case law or legislation.

In addition, she manages the team’s knowledge management system to facilitate the provision of timely, sector-specific and client-focused advice.

Please click here to listen to the Podcast.