Adapting Adoption to the Modern World Webinar

Jennifer Youngs and Charlotte Mackenzie address current practice with respect to post-adoption contact.

To kick-start our Autumn-Winter webinar series, Jennifer Youngs and Charlotte Mackenzie address current practice with respect to post-adoption contact, whether letterbox contact should still be seen as the appropriate regime for most cases and how the court might alter its practice and approach to better meet the needs of adopted children.  

Downloadable slides available here.

About the speakers

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Charlotte Mackenzie

Following a mixed early practice in criminal, family and immigration, Charlotte now specialises exclusively in family law. She is instructed in both public and private children law matters acting for parents and children, through their Guardian.  She has been led by senior juniors and KCs on matters relating to suspected non-accidental injuries and allegations of sexual abuse.  

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Jennifer Youngs

Jennifer joined 42BR Barristers in 2017 on completion of pupillage in chambers and quickly developed a wide range of experience in both civil and family law. She has since built a thriving practice spanning all areas of the law as it relates to children, with a balance of public and private law instruction. 

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