The Law of Compulsory Purchase - Fourth Edition

The Law of Compulsory purchase fourth edition 146Setting out the practice, procedure, policy and compensation provisions applying to a compulsory purchase, this new edition is updated to include all relevant case law, legislation, policy and guidance since the third edition.

Setting out the practice, procedure, policy and compensation provisions applying to a compulsory purchase, this new edition is updated to include all relevant case law, legislation, policy and guidance since the third edition, including:

• the Upper Tribunal (Lands Chamber) Practice Directions, October 2020
• the implementation of the Neighbourhood Planning Act 2017
• changes in secondary legislation (including the Tribunal procedure rules)
• changes in policy and guidance (especially the guidance for Wales and the Tribunal practice directions)
It enables you to:
• find clear statements of the law and practice on all points that relate to compulsory purchase and compensation
• understand the detailed analysis necessary to grapple with tricky points encountered in practice
• access cross-references to legislation, key case law and guidance, easily

As it simplifies what can be simplified and explains with clarity any difficult areas, it is the one guide you need to help you access and assimilate all the statutes, of varying antiquity and judicial decisions that relate to compulsory purchase and compensation.

It describes the law, practice, procedure, policy and compensation for a compulsory purchase, and provides a summarised statement of the law, complete with footnotes to enable you to access further information.

It also includes a full explanation of the scope of powers to acquire land compulsorily and the exercise of the powers and principles of compensation.

By Richard Honey QC, James Pereira QC, Rebecca Clutten and Caroline Daly

Sample content is available to download here.

Bloomsbury Professional is delighted to offer a discount on both the hard copy and e-book to FTB clients and contacts - 20% off the hard copy (with promotional code BPCPFTB20) and 10% off the e-book edition.

The Law of Compulsory Purchase is available online, as part of Bloomsbury Professional’s Local Government Law Module. If you are interested in gaining access to the book and the online service, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. so that she can offer you a discount.

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