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DLUHC signals brownfield push with new funding

Derelict and underused brownfield sites across England will be used to build homes, the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities has said as it launched the £180m second round of the Brownfield Land Release.

It expects this to support construction of 17,600 homes and create around 54,000 jobs over four years.

An initial £40m is available to support local regeneration projects, with the remaining £140m to be released over the next two years.

Minister for government efficiency Jacob Rees-Mogg said: “Opening up this land is a fantastic opportunity for regeneration, improving government efficiency and playing a vital role in tackling the housing shortage while increasing home ownership.”

The fund is aimed at reusing small council-owned brownfield sites by funding small scale infrastructure and remediation work to enable their release.

In the fund’s first round £77m went to councils to release brownfield sites for around 7,750 new homes.

The second round will delivered through the One Public Estate partnership between the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, the Office of Government Property and the Local Government Association.

Councils have until 19 August 2022 to submit applications via the designated accountable body of their local One Public Estate partnership.

The department said bids will be assessed on criteria including market failure, deliverability and value for money.

Councils will receive additional points in assessments where they can demonstrate that they are supporting the plan making process.

The capital grant funding is available to all English councils, mayoral combined authorities and the Greater London Authority. Further information is available here.