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London borough passes motion backing UK exit from European Union

The London Borough of Havering this week passed a motion backing the UK leaving the European Union on the basis of the “negative impact that EU directives....have on the ability and cost of [the council] to fulfil its obligations”.

According to the BBC, the council is the first publicly elected body to back an EU exit.

The motion, which was put forward by the council’s United Kingdom Independence Party Group, read as follows:

“Due to the negative impact that EU directives such as the agency working time directive and EU procurement rules have on the ability and cost of Havering Council to fulfil its obligations, this council agrees that Britain would be better off outside the European Union.”

The motion was agreed by 30 votes to 15. An alternative motion – in favour of allowing individuals to make up their own minds – was proposed by the East Havering Residents’ Group, but rejected.