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County councils warn planning changes will see developer “free for all”, call for five-year housing supply policy to be scrapped

County councils have warned that the steep rise in housing targets set out in the Government's proposed planning reforms will lead to a developer "free for all" by putting local authorities at risk of speculative development.

In its response to the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) consultation, the County Councils Network (CCN) raised concerns around proposals to introduce mandatory housing targets and reintroducing the five-year housing land supply.

The network's response, which was based on a survey of its member authorities, found that nine in ten councils surveyed believe the new targets for their areas are excessive, and nine in 10 councils were concerned their areas will be more at risk of speculative development.

CCN's analysis suggested that, on average, county and rural areas will see a 56% rise in the number of new homes required per year (more than 64,000 properties), a figure that the network said is "far higher" than any other part of the country, and over three times the percentage increase for councils in England's major cities.

Seven in 10 county and rural unitary councils support the principle of nationally set targets. However, none said they supported the Government's new target for their county area, and over nine in ten respondents (94%) said the targets were excessive.

Additionally, over eight in 10 councils surveyed (85%) were not confident that the planning system is equipped to deliver the infrastructure that is needed to support the proposed increase in homes.

In its response, the network called upon the Government to re-think its proposals to reintroduce a 'five-year land supply', which requires councils to show evidence each year that they have a supply of deliverable sites to provide a minimum of five years' worth, against their housing target.

It claimed that developers could build out their planning permissions slowly – or not in full – ensuring that councils cannot meet their land supply targets.

"Developers can then use this to successfully get permission on other sites outside a council's Local Plan, often in locations that are unsuitable and with no consideration over whether there is any infrastructure," the CCN said.

Cllr Richard Clewer, Housing and Planning Spokesperson for the County Councils Network, said:  "The County Councils Network's survey is clear: councils in rural and county areas are not anti-housing and the vast majority support the principle of nationally set targets. But these targets are excessive and we are looking at having to build an extra 65,000 homes a year, without any commitment to the essential road networks, school places, and GP surgeries that will be required.

"We don't have enough infrastructure to cope now, let alone after building quarter of a million extra homes over the course of this Parliament. We also must remember much of this development in county areas will be in the places with limited or no public transport, compared to the benefits of building in or around cities where there is already good infrastructure.

"Worse still, the Government's proposal to introduce a Five Year Land Supply drives a bulldozer through locally-agreed housing decisions in our Local Plans and empowers developers. If implemented alongside these dramatic new housing targets, we will see a developer free for all in many county and rural areas, weakening democracy and leading to development in unsuitable locations, regardless of local views."

The NPPF consultation closed to responses on Tuesday (24 September).

Adam Carey