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Oxford University law professor joins Cornerstone Barristers as associate member

Professor Joshua Getzler, Professor of Law and Legal History at St Hugh’s College, University of Oxford has joined Cornerstone Barristers as an associate member.

Prof Getzler has provided legal counsel to governments, law firms, counsel, and private clients in a number of UK, American, New Zealand, Canadian and transnational cases, dealing with issues including insolvency jurisdiction, financial market negligence and fraud, trust powers, and Crown fiduciary duties. He has also advised the Law Commission and Financial Services Authority on fiduciaries and trusts.

Currently he is advising the Canadian government in the Six Nations case on native title and breach of trust and fiduciary duties, as well advising the Ngai Tahu tribe on communal water resources of the South Island of New Zealand.

Joint head of chambers, Philip Coppel KC and Tom Cosgrove KC, said: "We are delighted to welcome Professor Getzler to Chambers. As the latest addition to our distinguished list of Associate Tenants, his appointment reflects Chambers' commitment to strengthening its links with academia, facilitating exchange between our barristers, students and academic staff. This is an important part of who we are as a set of Chambers."

Professor Getzler said: “I am delighted to join Cornerstone Barristers and have the opportunity to work with such an eminent group of lawyers, who as counsel offer a truly impressive range of litigation advice and representation to public and private clients. Practical legal problems rarely come in neat categories, as any able lawyer knows.

“My work, which is based within property, trusts, equity and private law, has increasingly taken me into urgent public law issues. The amalgam of skills and disciplines I have found in Cornerstone allows me to pursue these connections at a still higher level.”