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Licensing video training from Cornerstone Barristers

Taxi 146x219Watch the Cornerstone Licensing team discuss three of the most important concepts in taxi licensing and how to conduct a taxi licensing hearing.



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To watch the video in full screen, click on the arrows in the bottom right corner

To watch the video in full screen, click on the arrows in the bottom right corner

Taxi Licensing Hearing

In this video, the Licensing Sub-Committee considers an application by Virginia Woolf (trading as Bloomsbury Taxis) to renew her Operator's Licence. The Licensing Committee has discretion to grant or refuse that application. Guidance is provided throughout the hearing. As you watch the video, think of what decision you would come to and then compare it with the possible decisions given below.

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Taxi Licensing Hearing - Grant

To watch the video in full screen, click on the arrows in the bottom right corner

Taxi Licensing Hearing - Refuse

To watch the video in full screen, click on the arrows in the bottom right corner

Cornerstone Barristers 120x90For further information on training services provided by Cornerstone Barristers, contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..