Charging Orders - Everything You Need to Know - MBL

The use of charging orders to secure debt has increased 10-fold in recent years.

  • SRA Competency - B
  • Level - Intermediate: Requires some prior subject knowledge
  • CPD - 2 hours
  • Group bookings - email us to discuss discounts for 5+ delegates

The pandemic, cost of living crisis and inflation rates have led to individuals and businesses alike being less cash rich, and thus unable to repay debt immediately to their creditors.

For this reason, creditors are having to look to slow enforcement options, such as the charging order, to secure their debt - meaning that it is held and secured safely, until funds are able to be released.

The process of obtaining a charging order can be reasonably straight-forward and efficient, provided you are knowledgeable of the process and the various paperwork involved.

For lawyers with clients of any shape, size, variety or specialism, debt recovery and subsequent enforcement action is an important skill.

Whilst obtaining a court judgment against a debtor is a first step, securing that debt so that physical cash can then be recovered is essential.

This webinar will explore the charging order process from start to finish, including the documentation required, the likely timescales involved, the applications and court attendances necessary, and the process of registering the order.

It will also look at how the process has changed in recent years, recent case law and court decisions, and what steps creditors need to take to be ahead of the curve when it comes to securing their debt.

The webinar is suitable for legal professionals in the debt recovery field with at least a basic understanding of the charging order process.

It would also be beneficial for other professional advisors specialising or working with commercial clients who may require debt recovery advice or assistance, and subsequent enforcement thereafter.

What You Will Learn

This live and interactive broadcast will cover a number of areas including the following:

  • What is a charging order?
  • When to apply; the court to which you need to apply, and the application forms required
  • Applying for and obtaining an interim charging order, and its subsequent effects
  • Applying for and obtaining a final charging order
  • Effecting service correctly
  • Registering the charging order with the Land Registry
  • Recent and relevant case law updates

Recording of live sessions: Soon after the Learn Live session has taken place you will be able to go back and access the recording - should you wish to revisit the material discussed.

Event booking button

Event Information

Date 16-09-2024
Cost (ex VAT) From £144 + VAT with SmartPlan
Location Online (live)