Grazing Licences - A Practical Guide for Agricultural Advisers - MBL

Granting a licence to utilise grazing land can be perilous. What might start out as an agreement to let a few horses graze, can become a protected commercial tenancy with rights of renewal.

  • SRA Competency - B
  • Level - Intermediate: Requires some prior subject knowledge
  • CPD - 1.5 hours
  • Group bookings - email us to discuss discounts for 5+ delegates

Understanding the differences between a grazing licence, a farm business tenancy, a business tenancy under the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954, a common law tenancy, a profit à prendre and agistment are essential when advising farmers looking to grant some form of ‘grass keep’, or where a dispute has arisen.

This virtual classroom session will guide you through the pitfalls to avoid.

What You Will Learn

This live and interactive broadcast will cover a number of areas including the following:

  • The law relating to the grazing of land
  • What type of agreement have I got?
  • When a grazing licence might become a tenancy
  • When a farm business tenancy might be more appropriate
  • A focus on horses - which agreement to use?
  • Signposting tax resources - this session does not cover tax but will mention the types of tax affected by grazing licences and signpost available resources.

Recording of live sessions: Soon after the Learn Live session has taken place you will be able to go back and access the recording - should you wish to revisit the material discussed.

Event booking button

Event Information

Date 12-09-2024
Cost (ex VAT) From £144 + VAT with SmartPlan
Location Online (live)