Council and union agreement averts 'fire and rehire' scheme

Devon County Council has shelved plans to fire and rehire more than 800 staff over a dispute about cutting Essential Car User Allowance payments, after the local authority reached an agreement with union members. 

The council's plans to revoke the payments, which were aimed at saving the local authority £500,000, were met with opposition from GMB Union members, who rejected the proposals in a previous vote.

The council decided to move ahead with its plans despite the union's position, earlier this month.

It told 834 staff members to accept its terms before 23 March or face being terminated by the end of the month, with dismissal and re-engagement taking place by July.

In response, GMB Union vowed to do "whatever is necessary" to fight the move.

Following fresh negotiations, the local authority has now agreed to new terms and conditions for the staff members, the union said. GMB members unanimously accepted the deal.

Part of the union's efforts to push back against the plan included a petition signed by more than 2,000 people, which in part prompted the council to return to negotiations and put forward an improved offer, the union said.

Jake McLean, GMB Regional Organiser, said: "GMB welcomes DCC's decision to remove fire and rehire, it was an unnecessary threat looming over our members.

"The ballot result shows through constructive negotiation we can secure a far more equitable result.

"Our members and the public came together; now the council has seen and everyone can get back to concentrating on their jobs."

A Devon County Council spokesperson said: “We are pleased to have held constructive talks with staff representatives and made significant progress towards agreeing an equitable solution in relation to business travel expenses.”

Adam Carey