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Ashford Vacancy

Post-adoption contact: time for change

Molly Giles examines the latest developments in relation to post-adoption contact. Read more



August 21, 2024

The application of Public Law Outline PD12A

A Family Court Judge recently criticised the “manifest and wholly unconscionable” delay in a case where a new-born child remained in foster care for over two years. Vistra Greenaway-Harvey explains why.
August 20, 2024

Wrongful removal, habitual residence and jurisdiction

Charlotte Georges, Clarissa Wigoder and Imogen Forrester analyse a recent ruling where a High Court judge was required to consider whether a child was habitually resident in Poland, and whether the court retained jurisdiction.
August 16, 2024

Care plans, adoption and placement applications

Emma Greenhalgh and Joanne Oakes look at a recent Court of Appeal decision where it was submitted that a judge was wrong to make a final care order in circumstances where the court did not have a complete care plan before it to underpin the final care order that it made.
August 09, 2024

Clarification of reasons – what is appropriate?

Emma Greenhalgh and Joanne Oakes highlight a recent case which raised important guidance in respect of what is appropriate when requesting clarification and when this may go too far as to ‘bamboozle’ the judge.
July 30, 2024

Disclosure: An absolute duty or not?

To conclude the Family Law webinar series, Gemma Taylor KC and Ann Osborne explore the duties of Local Authorities to notify parents and foreign authorities of proceedings, to disclose papers within proceedings to parents, how/when those duties can be discharged/limited and the procedure for applying to restrict/discharge a Local Authority’s duty to notify or provide disclosure.


Jul 02, 2024

DOLs figures underline crisis in secure children’s homes places

New figures published by the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) show that between January and March 2024 there were over five times the number of Deprivation of Liberty applications - authorising the deprivation of a child’s liberty in an unregulated secure placement - compared to secure accommodation applications.


July 30, 2024

Beyond Parental Control. Is anyone to blame?

When proceedings commence because a child is ‘beyond parental control’ to what extent is it necessary or helpful to pursue in addition threshold findings that a child has also suffered significant harm as a consequence of the care they have received?
July 30, 2024

Can't you make it stop?

To kick start our Private Family Law Series 2024, Eléonore Berthelsen and Krishma Patel discuss barring orders under s.91(14) of the Children Act 1989.
July 23, 2024

The Hague Convention and care proceedings

Richard Little analyses a recent case raised that complex and novel points concerning the operation of the 1996 Hague Convention in care proceedings.
July 12, 2024

Reducing the delay in Children Act proceedings: 26 weeks vs NHS waiting lists

Recent efforts have been made to reduce delay in public law Children Act proceedings. However, parents and families are faced with increasingly stretched public resources, including those available on the NHS. In many cases, the therapy with which the family are advised to engage is simply not available within the Court timetable. Francesca Massarella asks how a fair result can be achieved for a…
June 07, 2024

Interim relief in age assessment cases

The Upper Tribunal recently considered the correct approach to interim relief in age assessment cases. Joshua Swirsky analyses the ruling.
May 21, 2024

Living in interesting times

The former president of the Association of Directors of Children’s Services (ADCS), John Pearce, speaks to Local Government Lawyer about the issues which have dominated the sector in his recent tenure.
May 17, 2024

Lay evidence in fact-finding hearings

A recent decision by the Court of Appeal serves as a reminder of the importance in fact-finding hearings of the evidence of lay parties being considered alongside that given by medical experts, writes Matthew Fiddy.
May 10, 2024

Capacity, presumptions and catastrophe

Alex Ruck Keene KC (Hon) looks at a High Court judge's careful approach to the presumption of capacity in relation to the mother in a case about end of life treatment for one of her twin sons.