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High Court orders demolition of woodland buildings constructed in Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty

A man has been ordered to demolish two woodland buildings he constructed on a Site of Special Scientific Interest, following a High Court injunction secured by Wiltshire Council.

The owner of the woods had constructed shed-like buildings on land known as Quarry Woods at Quarry Hill, Box.

The council said it had sought an injunction after the owner's repeated failure to comply with an enforcement notice ordering him to permanently demolish the buildings and remove the associated materials.

On 5 April 2024, at a hearing at the High Court, the landowner was ordered to “permanently demolish and remove” the buildings by 5 May 2024.

He was also ordered not to build any further structures on the site or undertake any residential use, and to pay the council's costs of £9,880.

The Quarry Woods area has been afforded a high level of environmental protection as a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) due to a rare bat population.

The injunction comes after the landowner was found guilty of failure to comply with an enforcement notice in February 2023 at Salisbury Magistrates Court.

He appealed against the decision in Salisbury Crown Court but lost in July 2023 and was ordered to pay the council's costs of £1,700.

When the woodland buildings were left standing, the council went to the High Court.

Cllr Richard Clewer, Leader of Wiltshire Council, said: "This injunction shows just how seriously we take contraventions of planning law here in Wiltshire, and I'd like to pay tribute to the tenacity of our Planning Enforcement team in this case.

"While these buildings may be small, they were constructed without permission in deciduous woodlands with a very high degree of environmental protection. The land is a Site of Special Scientific Interest, within the Cotswolds Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, within the North Wiltshire Greenbelt, and within a Special Area of Conservation. It is part of an internationally important site for roosting bats and is home to 10% of the UK population of greater horseshoe bats, which is one of our rarest bat species.

"Our message to anyone considering building without planning permission is clear: we will use all of the legal powers available to us and take enforcement action against breaches of planning regulations in Wiltshire."

Lottie Winson