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Planning Court rejects judicial review challenge over permission for redevelopment of former brewery site in Brick Lane

A Planning Court judge has dismissed a judicial review challenge against the London Borough of Tower Hamlets’ grant of planning permission for redevelopment of part of the site of a former brewery.

The council had granted permission on 10 November 2021 to Old Truman Brewery Limited, the Interested Party, for the redevelopment of the Old Truman Brewery site at Brick Lane and Woodseer Street, London E1.

The grant of planning permission followed a resolution of the local authority’s Development Committee at its meeting on 14 September 2021.

The Claimant, the Spitalfields Historic Buildings Trust, contended that the decision was unlawful for three reasons, in summary:

  • exclusion of Committee members from voting;
  • prohibition of public speaking at the September Meeting; and
  • failure to have regard to relevant policies in a draft neighbourhood plan.

In Spitalfields Historic Building Trust, R (On the Application Of) v London Borough of Tower Hamlets [2022] EWHC 2262 (Admin) Mr Justice Morris dismissed the claim on each of the three grounds.