Ashford Vacancies

GLD Vacancies

GLD Vacancies

City council to procure case management system in £240k, five to ten-year deal

Portsmouth City Council is to procure a legal services document management, file management and time recording software system.

The council said: “The purpose of the software system will be to provide a comprehensive, cost effective and reliable cloud and desktop solution.

"The product should be able to work on multiple devices, be user friendly, adaptable to local government requirements, easily configurable and compliant to GDPR standards.”

The value of the contract is estimated at £240,000 excluding VAT.

Portsmouth said it was targeting to have awarded the contract by 30 November 2020 with a commencement date of April 2021.

The initial contract term will be for 5 years with a possibility of extending the term by a further 5 years to a maximum total term of 10 years in increments to be agreed subject to performance and agreement of all parties.