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Lawyers in Local Government publishes Monitoring Officer Handbook as 'go to guide'

Lawyers in Local Government (LLG) launched its new, bespoke 'Monitoring Officer Handbook' at the Weekend School in Bristol, with the publication covering the pitfalls of the role and how to overcome them.

Helen Lynch, LLG's National SAA Lead for Monitoring Officers and Governance and Head of Legal and Democratic Services at Durham County Council, said: “The Handbook is intended to be a ‘go to guide’ for Monitoring Officers, Deputy Monitoring Officers as well as aspiring Monitoring Officers.

“The wide range of topics covered reflects the diverse nature of the role of Monitoring Officer. It is impossible to cover every eventuality but I hope the Handbook will give you a steer on most issues that arise.”

In addition to covering the pitfalls of being an MO and how to overcome them, it looks at the basics of being a monitoring officer and includes templates and precedents for all key documentation for the role.

On behalf of LLG, Lynch thanked the Handbook authors and editors – Graeme Creer and Simon Goacher (Weightmans) and Jill Coule (Sefton Borough Council) – as well as Desmond Brady at Thomson Reuters for his assistance in promoting and publishing the Handbook.

The handbook is manufactured by LLG, written by Weightmans and Sefton Council and published through Thomson Reuters’ Proview, a professional grade eBook platform for Windows or Mac Desktop, laptop, Android and iPad.

Copies are free to full members of LLG and can be accessed by obtaining a key code via: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.