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LLG to make sweeping governance changes with smaller board and interim CEO

Lawyers in Local Government (LLG) has announced plans for sweeping governance changes, including the introduction of a smaller board and the appointment of an interim chief executive officer.

The new board will replace LLG’s executive board and full board and have responsibility for overseeing the strategic direction of the organisation and implementation of a delivery plan.

The changes, which have been backed by the LLG Board, will also include the establishment of a branch group and a SAA (Special Activity Area) Group.

A governance review implementation working group will be set up to take forward these proposals.

The Interim CEO – to be appointed in the next few months – will be expected to drive through the changes and focus strategic direction, membership involvement, national influence and leadership.

The changes follow a governance review commissioned by LLG and carried out by the Centre for Public Scrutiny. The CfPS undertook extensive research - including a survey of members, interviews with key individuals and focus groups - upon which to base its recommendations.

LLG President Doreen Forrester-Brown, who chaired the working group for the project, said: “Following my Presidential election in 2016, one of my core themes during my term of office was to ensure the openness and transparency of governance arrangements within LLG. The objective was to take stock and review the governance structure of LLG to ensure it was fit for purpose, modern facing and designed to enable the effective representation of lawyers in local government.”

She added that throughout the evidence gathering, there was agreement that LLG needed a united and stronger voice nationally to advocate on behalf of members and support the development of policy and practice.

Forrester-Brown said: “This is a period of profound change for LLG who wish to build on the excellent progress made over the past year in raising its profile and demonstrating increased national presence. LLG are determined to adapt to ensure the provision of valued services to the membership continue and a strong and coherent representation of lawyers in local government is maintained and extended.

“It has been my privilege to oversee such an important piece of work and indeed be asked to extend my term of office to conclude the review.”

She added that it would now fall to the next President, Suki Binjal, to oversee the implementation when her term of office commences in October.