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London Boroughs Legal Alliance brings membership to 19 with addition of two more public bodies

The London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority (LFEPA) and the Royal Borough of Greenwich have become the latest public bodies to join the London Boroughs Legal Alliance.

LFEPA has become a full member of the LBLA, whilst the Royal Borough of Greenwich joins as an Associate, which provides it with full access to the alliance’s barristers framework.

Helen Edwards, Client Services Director for specialist legal consultancy Kennedy Cater, which manages the LBLA, said: “We are delighted that both of these authorities have chosen to join the LBLA, recognising the strength and depth of its offering. From day one the LBLA has led the way in innovating procurement practices and driving through efficiencies to the benefit of their members and local residents across London. With their addition the Alliance will become even stronger.”

Membership of the LBLA, which was established in 2009, is open to all London local authorities. The alliance has framework agreements in place for solicitors, barristers and legal libraries. It also delivers a training programme for its member bodies.