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North Wales social landlord to set up £4.2m legal services framework

A Welsh housing association has issued a prior information notice on its plans for a 48-month £4.2m legal services framework.

Cartrefi Conwy Cyfyngedig is a registered social landlord with more than 3,800 properties throughout the county of Conwy in North Wales.

It said it envisaged that the procurement would consist of four lots covering:

  1. Corporate and funding
  2. HR and employment
  3. Housing management
  4. Property, land and development.

Cartrefi Conwy will also make this agreement accessible by other contracting authorities operating across North Wales, primarily registered social landlords.

Grwp Cynefin, a housing association that provides homes across the six North Wales and North Powys local authority areas, is participating in the procurement and will access the proposed framework “as appropriate to their organisational needs”.