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GLD Vacancies

GLD Vacancies

Council to procure £4m barristers’ services framework

Bedford Borough Council is to procure a barristers’ services framework worth an estimated £4m.

In a contract notice the local authority said: “This framework will provide a route to market for the purchase of barristers’ services, where there is demand for capacity or specialist expertise that cannot be met within the council’s in-house Legal Services Unit.”

The framework agreement will consist of the following lots, each with individual specifications:

  1. Adults, Children and Education (ACE) (estimated value: £3m)
  2. Governance, Planning, Property and Litigation (GPPL), covering all other areas of the council’s business (estimated value: £1m).

The framework will be in place for 24 months with two possible 12 months’ extensions from 1 February 2024 to 31 January 2026.