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LGA produces case studies on protecting councillors from abuse

The Local Government Association (LGA) has issued case studies of how councils can help to protect councillors from abuse, intimidation and violence, including ways to collaborate with the police.

Durham Council has worked with police to protect councillors from abuse and harassment using a system under which the seriousness of threats is assessed by health and safety staff and those deemed serious or explicitly violent are immediately flagged to police.

Councillors are encouraged to report all incidents of abuse, harassment and intimidation to members’ services - even those considered minor - to help track incidents and identify patterns of behaviour which may pass the threshold for police action.

Durham has also developed a comprehensive toolkit that guides councillors on social media use and how to deal with online abusive behaviour.

Training includes theoretical and practical help from the communications team, which takes action to have offensive posts on third-party accounts removed.

The London Borough of Hounslow has set up a working group with expert representatives to identify gaps in support and to provide additional training for councillors, and a ‘one-stop-shop’ for safety and wellbeing advice for councillors.

Humberside Police have nominated a senior officer to work with North Lincolnshire Council’s monitoring officer deal with incidents of abuse, harassment and intimidation of councillors.

The council said that by having a clear point of contact within the police force, councillors can feel more confident in reporting any incidents and can receive appropriate guidance and support. Police have set clear limits on their role with councillors, to prevent misunderstandings and ensure both parties are clear on what to expect.

Kirklees Council has also established a named police contact and involved police in members' induction, to ensure that councillors are aware of the support and resources available to them if they experience any form of abuse or harassment.

Mark Smulian