Local Authorities and Health & Safety: The Cornerstones of Success - Bevan Brittan

Webinar | Tuesday 2 July 2024 | 12:00 - 13:00 | 60 Minutes

To mark the anniversary of the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974, join us for an insightful webinar, "Local Authorities and Health & Safety: The Cornerstones of Success", where celebrate the pivotal safety achievements local authorities have made in the past 50 years and explore learnings to take forwards.

We're joined by an expert panel of Health, Safety and Legal professionals including:

  • Adam Kendall, Partner at Bevan Brittan
  • Louise Mansfield, Legal Director at Bevan Brittan
  • Katherine Chapman, Health & Safety Team Manager for the Newcastle City Council
  • Stuart Langston, Shared Head of Health & Safety for the City of York Council
  • Tim Munro, Head of Service - Health and Safety and Emergency Planning for the City of Wolverhampton Council

Don't miss this opportunity to be part of the ongoing journey towards better health and safety standards for our communities.

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Event Information

Date 02-07-2024
Cost (ex VAT) Free
Location Online (live)