GLD Vacancies

GLD Vacancies

Council to appoint investigator to examine award of £15k additional duties payment to chief executive

A borough council is to appoint an independent investigator to examine the procedure followed when an additional duties allowance of £15,000 per annum was awarded to its chief executive.

The allowance, which was backdated to October 2016, was approved by a previous Leader of Surrey Heath Borough Council to recognise the additional work and responsibilities undertaken by the chief executive.

The council said it had received a number of enquires on the matter.

In a statement Surrey Heath said: “At the request of the Chief Executive, the Performance & Finance Scrutiny Committee will be asked to consider the appointment of an independent investigator to examine the procedure followed to award the additional duties allowance. The Chief Executive’s basic salary for 2018/19 was £120,687 plus the additional duties allowance of £15,000.”

Cllr Richard Brooks, Leader of Surrey Heath, said: “The council is committed to openness and transparency. All councillors and officers will cooperate fully in the independent review with any recommendations taken to full council.

“In the meantime I would like to thank the Chief Executive Karen Whelan for her continued dedication and hard work on behalf of the council.”