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A zero sum game?

The number of SEND tribunal cases is rising and the proportion of appeals ‘lost’ by local authorities is at a record high. Lottie Winson talks to education lawyers to understand the reasons why, and sets out the results of Local Government Lawyer’s exclusive survey.

Campaigners to crowd fund legal challenge over primary school closure

A campaign group is seeking to crowdfund £4,500 to challenge Norfolk County Council’s decision to close a Great Yarmouth primary school.

Opponents say the closure of Alderman Swindell school has been rushed and not followed correct procedures over consultation.

A statement on their crowdfunding page said: “We believe the council want to close the school to take over the land and build housing.

“We love this little school and don't want it to close. We believe it is needed in our town which has a growing population.

“We have obtained legal advice and we have a case against NCC.”

Norfolk said Alderman Swindell would be replaced with a £7m school for 420 pupils.

Matt Dunkley, interim director of children’s services, said: “I have considered the representations made during the consultation and I am very aware of the passion and support for keeping Alderman Swindell.

“However, I have to look at this purely from an educational perspective, to do what is best for children both now and in the long term.

“My experience of school organisation has shown that where children are provided with a substantially better building, their education improves.”

The council said Mr Dunkley had delegated powers to make decisions on changes to school organisation.

Mark Smulian