Purpose of the Module
- To consider the opportunities offered to members by social media.
- To reflect on danger zones.
- To identify best practice and practical tips.
Perfect for
- All members, particularly newly elected
- Members who are not confident using social media
- Members who want to expand their use of different methods of communication
Module Content
- What is social media and why does it matter
- The use of social media – Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, blogs etc.
- Jargon and myths
- The line between public and private lives
- The line between council business and party-political activity
- The risks and danger zones including
- Defamation
- Breach of privacy
- Code of conduct complaint
- Information Commissioner action
- Criminal offences
- Civil action
- Particular issues at election time
- What is party political publicity
- Available guidance and best practice
Skills Framework
Addresses the following skills
- Communication skills
- Local Leadership
- Partnership working
That councillors feel confident in using social media, know the danger areas to avoid/reflect on, and know where to find guidance/best practice.