Purpose of the Module
To look in detail at decision-making in planning and the particular issues relating to probity, conflicts and interests.
Perfect for
- Councillors on Planning Committees
- Councillors focusing on planning and environment issues
- Councillors on Standards Committees
- Satisfying mandatory requirements for planning training
Module Content
- A refresher on local government decision making
- The particular issues which arise in planning including
- Conflicts
- Declarations of interest
- Predetermination and bias
- Meetings with developers
- Lobbying/interest groups
- Site visits
- Dealing with officer recommendations
- How to approach the planning decision including
- Planning policy
- Material considerations
- Appeals and costs
- Useful cases and precedents
- Relevant guidance and good practice
- Local codes and protocols
- Challenges to decisions – risks and mitigation
Skills Framework
Particular focus on
- Regulating and monitoring
That councillors with the responsibility for making planning decisions are confident in their roles and powers.