Cost: Free
In February, in a landmark ruling, the Upper Tribunal clarified the proper approach - and respect due - to local authority enforcement policies and decisions when the First-tier Tribunal hears an appeal against a financial penalty imposed under section 249A of the Housing Ac 2004 (the 2004 Act).
Dean Underwood appeared for the successful council, leading two of Chambers' juniors, Riccardo Calzavara and Tara O'Leary.
In this webinar, Dean will consider the statutory power to impose a financial penalty for various offences under the 2004 Act, as an alternative to prosecution, the procedure for imposing a penalty and the recipient's statutory right to appeal to the First-tier Tribunal, including a summary of related case law.
Dean has been involved in some of the leading cases on licensing under Parts 2 and 3 of the 2004 Act in the last 12 months, including Waltham Forest LBC v Marshall and R (Mohamed) v Waltham Forest LBC. He has guided local housing authorities nationwide through the process of designating their borough as subject to additional and/or selective licensing.
The webinar assumes a basic knowledge of Parts 1 to 4 of the 2004 Act and will provide an essential overview of financial penalties for those working in or affected by the regulation of the private rented sector, in particular local authority solicitors and officers, solicitors in private practice, private sector landlords and agents.