The last few weeks have imposed considerable stresses on the UK and global economy, and the real property sector in particular. Real property litigators must be alive to the areas of potential dispute and how best to advise their clients. This webinar will explore distinct themes in real property dispute resolution, as well as the practical issues in litigating them in the time of COVID-19.
In this webinar, Damian Falkowski and David Sawtell will explore the following:
• Can I get out of this agreement? – unwilling parties to development agreements and leases are going to consider whether their obligations can be re-negotiated or even evaded. The speakers will look at how force majeure, frustration and other principles could be argued moving forward.
• COVID-19 and the commercial property sector – during and after the lockdown, there are going to be areas of significant dispute in the commercial property sector. The speakers will trace the contours of the likely issues that property litigators will face in the rest of 2020.
• Dispute resolution and COVID-19 – there are now a number of guidance documents and practice directions that impact on real property litigation. The speakers will discuss PD 51Y, 51Z and 51ZA, as well as their own experiences of remote hearings in the Chancery Division and the Business and Property Courts.
This live webinar will last approximately 45 minutes. It will be supported by presentation slides. There will be the opportunity to ask live questions via Zoom's Q&A.
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