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When conditions turn foul: recent dilemma in the courts - FTB
When conditions turn foul: recent dilemma in the courts - FTB
Mon, 8 June 2020, 14:00 - 15:30
Online (live webinar)
Planning, Litigation and Enforcement


Venue: The webinars will be delivered on the Zoom webinar platform.

CPD: 1.5 hours per event.

Cost: There is no charge to attend these webinars but places are limited and you must preregister using the booking links above. Once registered, you will receive joining instructions from Zoom by email.

A webinar to be given by Annabel Graham Paul and Horatio Waller, members of Francis Taylor Building.

Part a series of weekly webinars covering a wide range of planning law and related legal topics. These webinars will take place on Monday afternoons from 2.00 – 3.30pm and will be given by members of FTB. They form part of FTB’s wider programme of online events all of which will be publicised on our FTB website over the next few weeks.

Event booking button PLT Blue


Online (live webinar)