GLD Vacancies

"Will any jobs being advertised now be 'safe' from staff cuts, or should I just sit tight where I am?"

Katie Allen says:


Katie_Allen_thumb“Whilst cutbacks in the public sector are taking place, there are still new job roles being created and many exciting opportunities becoming available through natural attrition. Organisations are seeking talented individuals, including legal professionals, to help achieve a leaner and more efficient public sector – providing great opportunities to get involved during a time of significant change.

"Regardless of industry, sector or county, those looking for a change in employment should always consider their reasons for leaving and then whether the move will benefit their career in the long term. In order to feel more confident about making a move speak to the recruiting organisation and find out why the position has become available, what can be expected of the role in the future, and where the role is being funded from. Asking these questions will help professionals to make a better informed decision as to whether a role is suited to them and the likelihood of it being safe from cuts.”

Read Katie Allen's profile


Paul Gilbert says:

Paul_Gilbert_thumb"The fact that the word “safe” in the question has inverted commas around it, suggests you know the answer already. No job is safe, not really…Sitting tight however is not necessarily the alternative; if you only want to move if you perceive a role as being safe then it might be a long time before you move. We believe most lawyers will now move roles every 3-5 years; if you are factoring in job security then your assessment should be realistic, not safe for the next twenty years, but safe for three years at least would be good.

"Even then however things change and seemingly safe roles can also disappear…The best advice I think is to ensure you discuss things as widely as you can, have the support of close family, listen to people you trust, back your judgement and make the best decision you can by thoroughly exploring concerns with the recruitment agency and with the prospective employer."

Read Paul Gilbert's profile



Will any jobs being advertised now be 'safe' from staff cuts, or should I just sit tight where I am?