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GLD Vacancies

GLD Vacancies

County fires gun on procurement of £369k legal case management system amid mini-flurry of contract awards by local authorities

Gloucestershire County Council has started the procurement of a fully developed, off the shelf, cloud-based Legal Case Management System with Court Bundling System.

The estimated value for the contract is £369,000 over four years.

The local authority said the system “must be a Commercial Off the Shelf (COTS) system needing no, or very little development and any required configuration being able to be completed by authorised council users”.

Wakefield Council has meanwhile awarded Iken Business a contract worth an estimated £131,577 to replace its existing Legal Services Case Management, Time Recording and Court Bundling system.

The council said it wanted to replace its existing system, which is out of contract on 30 April 2022, “with a more effective and user-friendly system that will improve efficiency, provide management information reports and support digitisation”.

The contract will run until 15 February 2024.

Other awards of contracts for legal case management systems so far in 2022 include:

  • Charnwood Borough Council: Awarded to: Iken. Contract value: £40,000. Length: two periods of 12 months.
  • Hampshire County Council: Awarded to: Access. Contract value: £446,850. Length: four years with option to extend for a further three years.
  • Liverpool City Council: Awarded to: Civica. Contract value: £176,250. Length: four years.
  • Devon County Council: Awarded to: The Access Group. Contract value: £150,000. Length: two years.