Yorkshire council to procure £1.67m legal services framework

City of Doncaster Council is to procure a legal services framework worth an estimated £1.67m over four years.

The framework has been split into two lots:

  1. General Legal Services (estimated value: £670,00); and
  2. Adult Care Legal Services (£1m).

Doncaster will appoint a maximum of four advisors for each of the lots.

The contract will be awarded on the basis of quality (weighting: 55) and price (weighting: 45).

The local authority will also permit the South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority to access the framework.

It is anticipated that the framework contract will commence on 11 February 2025 and will run for an initial three years. There is an option to extend the framework by a further 12 months at the sole discretion of the council.