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Silks from Harcourt Chambers and Garden Court Chambers appointed to High Court

Damian Garrido KC of Harcourt Chambers and Dexter Dias KC of Garden Court Chambers have been appointed to High Court, assigned to the Family Division and King’s Bench Division respectively.

They follow the recent appointments to the High Court of Sonia Harris (Family Divsion) and Nicholas Thompsell (Chancery Division).

The Courts and Tribunals Judiciary said Mr Garrido would “bring 18 years of experience as a barrister specialising in family law, and eight years of judicial experience as a Deputy High Court Judge, to his role”.

Harcourt Chambers said: “It is a richly deserved appointment, and we wish Mr Justice Garrido a long and distinguished judicial career following his highly successful work as a barrister at Harcourt. Whilst wishing the judge every success, he will be very much missed by us all.”

The Courts and Tribunals Judiciary said Mr Dias would “bring over 35 years’ experience as a barrister specialising in human rights, public law and crime.

“He also brings over ten years of judicial experience sitting as a criminal Recorder and three years’ experience as a Deputy High Court Judge.”

Garden Court Chambers said it was “very proud” of Mr Dias’ appointment to the High Court.

The appointments fill vacancies in the High Court following elevations to the Court of Appeal and confirmed retirements.