Council threatened with legal action over “unfair” compensation payments to sexual abuse victims

Action group Shirley Oak Survivors Association (SOSA) has accused Lambeth Council of forcing victims of historic child abuse to accept “unfair” compensation payments.

The Lambeth Redress Scheme pays compensation to people who were abused or lived in fear of being abused while in Lambeth’s care as children, between the 1950s and 1980s.

According to the council, over 96% of applications received have been concluded. However, founder of SOSA Dr Raymond Stevenson has accused the local authority of forcing about 150 people into accepting offers.

He noted that although SOSA has been able to support most people into getting a “reasonable offer” from the council, there were a number of people who accepted initial offers which were much lower than they should have been.

For instance, some victims who suffered serious and continual sexual abuse have ended up with compensation payments much lower than those who suffered physical abuse.

He warned that SOSA are considering legal action against the council over the “clear disparity” in payments.

The deadline for Eligibility Appeals to be lodged is 30 June 2024, and appeals over the level of redress payment by 31 August. Dr Stevenson claimed that the Lambeth Redress Scheme is “the only scheme which has an arbitrary closing date”.

According to South London Press, a man from South Norwood said the council closed his case because he did not respond to a letter.

The man, who is blind, lived in Shirley Oaks for nine years in the 1950’s, where he was subject to physical abuse by staff.

He said: “When I found out about the scheme I reached out to Lambeth, they told me my case had been closed because I didn’t fill out a form they sent me. I’m blind – how was I supposed to see, let alone fill out a form?”

About 70% of the survivors spent time at Shirley Oaks, an 80-acre site with cottages and its own school. However, cases have also emerged from 20 other smaller children’s homes run by the council.

Human rights lawyer Imran Khan KC has been working with SOSA regarding the legal claims against Lambeth.

Lambeth Council has been approached for comment.

Lottie Winson