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SLG seeks views on Jackson

The Solicitors in Local Government Group (SLG) is looking for local authority lawyers' views on how they may be affected if Lord Justice Jackson's Civil Litigation Costs Review is implemented.

The SLG said that gathering a wide range of views will enable it to represent local government lawyers more effectively in the forthcoming debate over its implementation.

The Jackson Review has the potential to affect many aspects of local government legal practice, in particular through its recommendations that judicial review and personal injury claimants should no longer be subject to costs orders if they lose and the proposed abolition of CFA uplift and ATE insurance recoverability.

SLG members can submit their views via a thread on its website forum, through its local litigation special interest groups or through any member of its NEC members.

Further reading:

Jackson's Brave New World

Minister warns of delay if Jackson review is to be implemented in full

Discovering Jackson

What Jackson means for the public sector