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Regulator makes three appointments to board of Liverpool social housing provider in bid to resolve governance failures

The Regulator of Social Housing (RSH) has made three statutory appointments to the board of a provider of social housing in Liverpool that was the subject of a strongly-critical regulatory notice.

Eldonian Community Based Housing Association Limited, a non-charitable community benefit society, is reported to have 394 housing units, the majority of which are general needs social housing units. It is classed by the RSH as a small provider.

In a July 2021 regulatory notice the RSH concluded that:

a) Eldonian was non-compliant with the Governance and Financial Viability Standard. “It has failed to ensure that its governance arrangements are effective and have not complied with their own governance documents as part 1.1 of the standard requires.”

b) Eldonian was unable to demonstrate that it had an appropriate, robust and prudent business planning, risk and control framework in place in line with 2.4 of the Governance and Financial Viability standard.

c) Eldonian had failed to ensure it was managing its affairs with an appropriate degree of skill, independence, diligence, effectiveness prudence and foresight (2.2 of the Governance and Financial Viability standard).

d) Eldonian CBHA had failed to communicate with the regulator in a timely manner on material issues that related to non-compliance with its standards.

The new appointments by the RSH are: Bronwen Rapley; Angela Forshaw; and Lesley Thompson.

Harold Brown, Senior Assistant Director and head of the regulator’s Investigation and Enforcement team, said: “Following the publication of the regulatory notice on Eldonian in July 2021, we have been working with the provider to ensure it addresses the weaknesses in its governance.

“We have made these three appointments to ensure that the Board has the capacity and capability it needs to resolve the governance failures.”