Breakfast Briefing: The Supreme Court Decision in Finch - FTB

Francis Taylor Building are delighted to invite you an in-person Breakfast Briefing at which Gregory Jones KCAlexander Greaves, Esther Drabkin-ReiterJonathan Welch and Mark O'Brien O'Reilly will provide an analysis and discuss the implications of the Supreme Court judgment in Finch.

The decision turned on the correct interpretation of the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017 and underlying Directive 2011/92. The question before the Supreme Court was whether, when considering an application involving the commercial extraction of oil at the Horse Hill Well Site for production, the local planning authority should have required an assessment of the impact on the environment of 'downstream' greenhouse gas emissions resulting from the eventual use of the refined products of that oil.

In a judgment handed down on the 20th June, the Supreme Court allowed the appeal, holding that the local planning authority should have required such an assessment.

The case will have implications for a wide variety of projects.

Gregory Jones KC and Alexander Greaves acted for interveners, West Cumbria Mining Ltd.

The judgment and summary can be found here.

Practical Information

There is no charge to attend but places are limited and will be offered on a first come first served basis.

Date: Tuesday 25 June 2024
Venue: Francis Taylor Building, Inner Temple, London, EC4Y 7BY.
Time: Registration over coffee and pastries from 8.00am. Briefing from 8.30-9.30am.
Booking: To reserve places, please complete the online booking form.

We do hope you will be able to attend this briefing.

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Event Information

Date 25-06-2024
Cost (ex VAT) Free
Location London